16- Sabrina

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The class ends and I wake up as my name is being called. "Can I have a word with you Sabrina?" I get up and walk towards the professor. Have I been sleeping whole class!

"Are you okay? You have been sleeping through the whole class" wel no shit sherlock!

"Wel this is the most boring subject, you didn't leave me a choice."

I look up at him and he looks suprised by my attitude. "Maybe you should get some more sleep" he bent down to my level lips against my ear and whispers "or have you been thinking about me al night."

Laughter catches my throat. "You wish" I turn arround about to leave. "That's no way to talk to your proffesor" a smile makes it up to my lips. "Sure Cam Cam" I know he hates to be called that ever since I heard his mother call him that I have been teasing him with it.

"I take my guitar from one of the classrooms and make my way towards the door of the school"

"Sabrina! Wait up!" I turn around sweeping my hair and hitting Cameron's face in the process.

"Really?" I just do as if I hadn't seen what I did and let him talk.

"You know you're not doing well in my class" I just shrug. "So?"

"Wel you should pay more attention to my class and not fall asleep!"
"I can't help it it's music history the most boring subject!"

"You know what if you fail its not my fault!"
"Well it kind of is PROFFESOR!"

And with that I turn around an walk out the door making my way to my appartment.

Does he really think he will change my grades just because he is my professor now. I don't think so I do well in all my classes except music history. Who cares? It's just one subject right?

People should just stay out of my business. It's my life.

I grab my pink piggy onesie.
And throw it on, and grab some cookies from the counter.

Making myself comfortable I put on 13 reasons why and start an episode.

Time for some alone time!

After watching 4 episodes and eating about 50 cookies I fell asleep.

Next morning

My eyes flutter open at the sound of some morning birds. Wait! Morning birds! I have a college!

I jump up from the couch and sprint in my room putting on the first thing at sight. I grab my bag and an apple running out of my appartment.

As I run through the hallways and open the door to my classroom. I see Cameron in front of the class now looking at me.

"You're late miss Carpenter!"
He snaps at me wait how late am I?

I take a glance at the clock behind him and see that I'm half an hour late. 

I take my seat and hear some girls giggle. "What?!" I snap at them the girl looks at me and smiles. "Didn't check the weather did we now?" I look down at my outfit and notice my miniskirt and sweater with my old uggs.

Okey I give up. And with that I slap my hand on my forehead.

Remember Me ft. Cameron dallasWhere stories live. Discover now