-Raise Your Glass-

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"Who want's to play karaoke?!" A drunken Rachel Berry screamed. Everyone cheered.  First up was Santana and Sam then Mike and Tina. Mike looked absolutly halarious dancing around while he was drunk. And when people sand their words were all jumbled togther in a drunken mess. Kurt sat on the couch and did a little dance while Britanny and Artie sang. He felt someone put their hand on his shoulder.

"Can you come with me?" It was Blaine his words were jumbled togther but Kurt understood him. He nodded because he couldn't find the right words. Kurt took Blaine's hand and Blaine led him to the middle of the living room. Britanny and Artie finished singing and Rachel turned the radio back on. It was the Beadles 'I Want To Hold Your Hand.'

"I love this song." Blaine said.

"Me to." Kurt stuttered finally saying something.

"Dance with me."


"Dance with me." Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and swayed him back and fourth. Blaine looked up at the taller boy who had a look of shock on his face. He grabbed the back of his neck and their lips crushed togther. Kurt gasped. Their first kiss.

"Boo! Where's the rock and roll?!" Puck yelled. He changed the station and Blaine pulled his lips away from Kurt's. Puck turned off the slow song and a K.I.S.S. song came on. Blaie let go of Kurt and jammed with Finn and Mike. Kurt sat back down on the couch. They had just had their first kiss and Blaine wouldn't even remember it the next morning.

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