-As Long As Your There-

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"That your boyfriend homo?" Kurt's heart jumped and he spun arond. Kurofsky was standing behind him towering over him.

"Get away fom me." Kurt said.

"Whats wrong? You scared?"

"I don'twant you near me."

"Good. I don't want you near me either." Kurofsky grabbed Kurt by the shoulders and threw him against the lockers across the hall.


"You if it wasn't ovious!" Kurofsky walked over to Kurt's lovker and grabbed his picture of Blaine that was hanging up.

"Don't touch that!" Kurt yelled. He charged for Kurofsky but it didn't matter Kurofsky just held the picture out of Kurt's reach. "Let go of it!" By now the bell had rung and everyone else was in class. Kurofsky pushed Kurt to the ground and threw the picture in it's frame at the wall. Glass shattered everywhere and was covering the picture. Kurofsky ran off.

Kurt wiped his eyes with his sleeve. He crwaled over to Blaine's picture and pushed the glass of of it. He held the picture to his heart and cried. 'Why does this have to be so hard? Why can't he just love me?' Kurt pulled out his phone and dialed Blaine's number.


"Blaine? It's me."

"Hey Kurt! What's up? Can you make it quick? We are practicing."

"This won't take long."

"Okay. What do you need?"

"I love you." There was silence on Blaine's side of the phone.

"Blaine? Are you there?"

"I'm sorry. You have lost connection. Please hang up and try again." Kurt shut his phone and sighed. His pone rang

Income call from Blaine.

"Hello?" Kurt answered.

'Hey sorry we lost connection. So what did you want to say?" Kurt sighed. A tear ran down his face.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to get coffee later."

"Suer I'll see you after school. Bye."


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