Crazy (Malec)

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During City of Lost Souls when Clary has gone with Jace and Sebastian and Simon, Isabelle and Jocelyn are staying with Magnus and Alec. Just clearing it up


He cried out in anguish; his body crumpled to the ground like a falling leaf.

"Magnus?" Alec knelt to his side, worry etching his features, " What's wrong?"

Magnus groaned on the ground, his blue glittery spikes of hair squashed.

"Tired," Magnus mumbled, "Research."

"You need to sleep," Alec placed his hand across his boyfriends forehead, "You don't seem ill."

"I'm not like you," Magnus reminded him weakly, "Sleep will be fine then I can search tomorrow."

"You can take a day off," Alec's worry for Jace ceased and his full attention was on letting Magnus get a decent rest.

"But Jace," Magnus knew Alec well, "You wanted me-"

"To sleep: now," Alec ordered and hauled the warlock to his feet, "C'mon."

Alec made sure Magnus was asleep before he left the room and went to knock on the door where Izzy was sleeping. No one responded so he pushed the door open and saw Simon, the daylighter and his sister spooned together, the sheets falling off to the left side of the bed. Alec cursed under his breath and shut the door hastily. He wandered into the area where Magnus searched for a way to find Jace.

Just one glance at a page of tracking made Alec confused. He sighed and ran a hand through his black hair. He too needed to sleep because yawning and feeling exhausted weren't going to help anyone.

With a yawn, he slipped beside Magnus and fell asleep, listening to the wind outside.


When Alec woke, he stretched out onto the empty side of the bed, a frown immediately on his face.

He took a quick shower before going to find Magnus.

"Magnus," He asked as he entered the study, "What are you doing?"

Magnus turned around to look at Alec, his hair spiked and glittery, his eyes tired still.

"I told you that we're having a day off," Alec said sternly.

Magnus simply shrugged, "I thought you would've changed my mind."

"Changed my mind?" Alec demanded, "I didn't plan on it," He said harshly, feeling just a little offended.

"It's Jace," Magnus gave a weary sigh, "You care about him."

"I care about you," Alec protested, "You're having the day off and we're gonna go somewhere."

Magnus gave him a look which made Alec wonder what he was thinking.

"I'll be ready in a hour," Magnus flashed pearly whites, "We have time, don't we?"

"That's you," Alec joked weakly as Magnus left the room. The simple joking words he and Magnus had just conferred were now buzzing thoughts in Alec's head. He groaned and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat while he was waiting for Magnus.


"Where are we going?" Magnus frowned, turning left as Alec directed.

"Surprise," Alec told him, the corner of his mouth lifting as Magnus perked up.

"I love surprises. Especially when they're good!" Magnus grinned at Alec, "Thank you."

"We're not even there yet," Alec smiled, "Don't get too excited."

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