Demon Fights and Exchanging of Rings (Malec)

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A Malec oneshot

(based a long time after CoHF)

"Magnus, just give it back."

"I will if you heal yourself, Alexander."

"They're cat scratches! By the Angel, Magnus! I'm not going to die from cat scratches!"

"You could if they get infected! It's just a simple rune-"

"I don't need to use a rune to heal cat scratches!"

Magnus regarded his fiancé with a serious expression. "Alec, honey-"

"Really, Magnus?"

"-if you don't heal yourself, I will throw your stupid, hole-covered sweater out the window."

Alec's eyes narrowed, while Magnus just watched him. With an exasperated noise, Alec finally dug the stele out of the pocket of his sweatpants and drew an iratze on his forearm. He almost immediately felt his temperature rise as the rune kicked in, but he was used to it after years of using the rune.

Magnus grinned, his cat eyes flashing mischievously as he tossed Alec his sweater. The younger man narrowed his eyes at the warlock as he pulled the sweater over his head, immediately feeling more comfortable.

"You're an idiot, Magnus," Alec said as he walked over to the couch. Magnus just grinned from his position by the window.

"Am I not allowed to see my husband-to-be's Angel given abs?" the warlock teased, making Alec's cheeks flush. It had been a long time since they'd started dating but Magnus found it just as easy to embarrass his fiancé.

"I'm regretting giving you that ring," Alec said, his cheeks still flushed but a joking tone to his words.

Magnus rolled his eyes. "You are not, Alexander."

Alec smiled slightly; just a corner of his mouth rising in a smile that Magnus found incredibly endearing, yet one that also made him want to kiss that same mouth.

Without a word, Magnus moved from his pile of cushions to the couch where Alec sat and lay down, his head in the Shadowhunter's lap. Alec rested his arm on the warlock's chest, and Magnus smiled.

They were in a comfortable silence, one that made Magnus think back to a few months earlier, when Alec had proposed.

"Alexander!" Magnus yelled, and Alec ducked as a demon took a swing at him. The Shadowhunter lashed out with his dagger, unable to use his bow so close up. The warlock swore and send a ball of flames at the demon's head, making it vanish in a cloud of dust.

"Thanks," Alec said, leaping down from the roof and landing a few feet from Magnus. Isabelle was murdering demons by the dozen while Jace and Clary were working as a team to take down a huge demon, which Magnus couldn't identify (mostly because of how amazing Alec looked during a fight had distracted him).

"No problem," Magnus said, moving to help the others. Alec reached out a hand, grabbing his forearm. "Alec? We need to help them."

"They have it sorted," Alec said, glancing at the other three. Magnus followed his gaze, and noticed Isabelle brushing dirt off her jeans and Jace and Clary were applying runes to each other.


"Magnus, shut up," Alec said. Magnus frowned, looking at the Shadowhunter more closely. He could see nervousness in his eyes, and there was a faint tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Alexander?" Magnus said. "What's going on?"

Alec's cheeks turned brighter. "Magnus, just be quiet for a minute."


"By the Angel!" Alec yelled before dropping to one knee. Jace let out a loud wolf-whistle, but Isabelle and Clary shut him up and the three of them started walking away.

Magnus just stared at his boyfriend, his lips parted and eyes wide. Alec carefully removed the Lightwood ring from his finger then held it out in his palm.


"You were going to propose to me in the middle of us fighting demons?" the warlock interrupted, the corners of his lips fighting not to rise in a smile. It was just so... Alec.

"You are a pain, Magnus," Alec said before getting to his feet. "So, will you-"

"By the Angel, Alexander," Magnus said, grabbing the ring from his hand and putting it on his left ring finger. "Of course I will marry you."

Alec's face lit up, and Magnus chuckled.

"I would never have said no, Alec," he said gently before kissing him.

"What are you thinking about?" Alec asked softly, brushing a lock of hair back from Magnus' face.

"The time you decided to propose in the middle of a demon fight," Magnus said, smiling up at his fiancé. "I still have the ring, too."

He held up his hand so the silver Lightwood ring gleamed in the sunlight. Alec just chuckled, shaking his head. Magnus could see Alec's plain silver band shining on his finger and leant further back into the Shadowhunter.

"I love you, Alexander," he murmured, looking into Alec's eyes.

Alec's face softened. "Love you too, Magnus."

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