Fix You (Stephatis)

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A Stephatis (Stephen and Amatis) Oneshot

{Based between CoAand CoFA}

The brunette gulped as she stood in the kitchen of her Idris home, her thoughts continuously going back to the days where she had a husband...someone who loved her other than family. Someone she'd planned on having children with. Then an image of the golden haired teenager that came with the Lightwood children and the vampire popped into her head. Amatis shook her head, trying to push it out. Jace was too similar to Stephen for her to even look at him without thoughts of his after coming into her mind. He may not have had her love's blue eyes, but he certainly had his abilities.

Amatis frowned, moving away from the window and towards her bedroom. The sky had darkened considerably, and now that both Jocelyn and Clary had gone back to New York with Luke, there was no reason to stay up any later. She quickly changed into a nightgown before sliding beneath the covers, staring up at the ceiling. She couldn't help but let thoughts of Stephen lull her to sleep.


"Amatis," a famiar, soothing voice called out. She turned around, eyes wide. Stephen stood there, his blue eyes glittering in the morning sun and his lips curved into a lopsided grin. His blonde hair fell across his forehead, brushed to the side.

"St-Stephen?" she stammered, taking a hesitant step closer. He smiled at her, moving forward until his hand was cradling her cheek. She spotted tears in his eyes, and felt her own rolling down her cheeks. "Y-you're-"

"Dead," he replied, a sad smile on his face. "Yes. I am."

"Then how-"

"You're dreaming, my darling," Stephen said, his thumb stroking the skin along her cheekbone. "And I'm sorry I can't be there for you. These are troubled times."


Amatis saw a single tear slip down his cheek and she longed to brush it away, but she was too scared he would vanish if she touched him.

"I only wish I could've seen him grow up," the blonde said, a melancholy expression on his face. "He's turned into such an amazing Shadowhunter, and a wonderful man."

"He's still a child, Stephen," Amatis said. "Just like we were. And he's going to get himself killed if he keeps throwing himself into danger."

"We may have been children, Amatis," Stephen said, "but we were in love."

She turned away, letting his hand fall. "You left me."

She couldn't even get the words out without her voice breaking. Stephen's hand landed on her back, drawing soothing circles with his fingers.

"No one disobeys Valentine, Amatis," he said, his voice cracking. "You know that."

"That's what got you killed and what put your son in danger," she shot back. "It's more like no one had the guts to disobey him until Jocelyn."


"Is a monster," Amatis hissed. "Valentine experimented on them both-"

"Both?" Stephen said, his forehead creasing. "Jocelyn had another child?"

"Clarissa Adele," Amatis said. "She was staying with me a few days ago."

"I should've known she was Jocelyn's daughter," he said, a small smile on his face. "She looks just like her."

"People thought she might have been Luke's daughter rather than Valentine's," Amatis said, suddenly noticing what they were wearing; Stephen was dressed in black ceremonial gear with golden runes, and she was in a flowing golden gown, the breeze making it flutter around her feet. It was the same one she'd worn at their wedding. "Stephen, why are we dressed like this?"

His lips twisted into a sad smile, and he grabbed her hand, entwining his fingers with hers. "This is your dream, my darling. This is what you wanted."

Amatis felt tears roll down her cheek, and she turned away so he couldn't see. "No, Stephen," she said, and watched his face fall. "This is what I want. I want you to be alive, and I want us to be married. I want you to have never married Celine, and I want Jace to be my son, not hers. I just want my old life back, Stephen. I want my life back from before everything went wrong."

"I'm sorry," he whispered, and she knew she'd overdone it.

"Just ignore everything I just said," she said bitterly. "This is all a dream anyway. It's not like I'm actually talking to you."

He shook his head. "Just be brave, my darling. Your future is going to be worse than your past. Just be brave, and be strong. And I'll be waiting for you."

Amatis reached for him but he disappeared into the air, and she was left alone in the meadow. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt herself falling...


The brunette shot up, gasping for breath as she stared at the wall. She looked to the side of the bed, hoping everything in the last few years had just been a dream; that she was still married to Stephen, that she was happy. But the bed was empty like usual, and she let out a sigh, a single tear falling from her eye.

"I love you," she whispered into the night air, falling back onto her pillow. She wondered if what Stephen had said was true, and decided if it was...she didn't even want to imagine what her future might hold.


A/N: oh god this is sad :( I love Stephatis, and I always feel so sad about the fact he had to leave her. That's partly the reason I don't like Valentine.

It's also very short

Anyway, hope you enjoy :3


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