They Just Don't Know You (Haline)

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Sometimes it feels like us against the world
They treat you like a criminal
But I'll still be your girl

{Possible spoilers for anyone who hasn't read City of Heavenly Fire}

Aline watched as Helen stepped foot onto what was to be their new home, tears in her eyes. In one hand she had a small bag of spare clothes, but her other hand clutched tightly to Aline's, almost turning it numb. Aline didn't mind, though, because she knew how scared and hurt her girlfriend was, and she wouldn't cut her off from anything that relieved that if she could.

"Come on," Aline said, tugging on Helen's hand. The blonde girl nodded, causing her hood to move, revealing the pointed tips of her ears; the very thing that had gotten her into trouble and exiled to their current location: Wrangel Island. Lately she'd started covering her ears rather than tucking her hair behind them, and Aline hated to think she was becoming ashamed of her faerie blood.

"I'm scared," Helen whispered, and Aline could feel her trembling. She squeezed her girlfriend's hand, resting her spare hand on Helen's arm.

"You'll be okay," she urged. "I'll be here, and I won't let anything happen to you. Stop fretting, okay?"

Aline felt useless these days; she tried to hard to cheer Helen up, but after Mark being kidnapped and lost to the Hunt, and her being torn from her family and exiled to Wrangel Island, it was too hard. Helen was too upset nowadays, her eyes almost always filled with tears.

"Helen," Aline said, causing Helen to glance at her. "You'll be okay. You're strong, and you can get through this. They'll find Mark, and they'll get brains and realise having faerie blood doesn't make you evil, and you guys will all be back together again."

"Thank you," she said, the hint of a smile on her face. "Thank you for everything. You've done so much for me lately, and I haven't had the time to thank you. I've been so caught up in everything that's happening to me that I hadn't even started to think that you've left your whole family to follow me."

Aline laughed, using her free hand to pull the fur lined hood down further to shield her face from the cold. "I doubt that, Helen. You always think of others even if you don't realise it."

"Thank you," Helen said again, and Aline tilted her cheek closer as Helen moved to plant a small and gentle peck on her girlfriend's cheek. "For everything."

"I would be lost without you," Aline said with a smile. "I'm too shy when you're not around."

Helen was smiling now, the first smile Aline had seen on her for a long time; since the end of the war, actually. "You were the one who asked Simon if he had a soul."

Aline let out a horrified laugh. "I forgot that! God, those were the days, when we didn't have to worry about crazed Shadowhunters cutting off our heads."

Helen didn't comment, and Aline knew she was thinking back to what had happened not long after that. "And after that, everything fell apart."

The dark-haired girl nodded sadly. "Then everything fell apart," she agreed. "By the angel, I still blame myself for Max's death. I feel terrible as soon as I see any of the Lightwoods, knowing I key their son die."

Helen sent her a sad smile. "That wasn't your fault. Just like Mark's kidnapping was not the fault of my brothers and sisters. Blame Jonathan if you're going to blame anyone at all. He caused all of this...this destruction, this love of trying to shove the blame on other Nephilim. I don't understand why the Clave can't see that it was Jonathan Morgenstern who caused this, not myself or Mark. And your mother, she is a great Consul, because she does see that."

Aline smiled. "I'm glad you are not ashamed of your blood."

Helen scoffed, hunching her shoulders to protect herself from the cold. "I would never be ashamed of the blood from my mother. I miss my father, of course, and I miss my siblings, but they are okay. My father will be okay, for he will have companions in heaven, I hope. And Jules has Emma, and they will be parabatai, and all of them have our uncle, and he is a good man. He will look after the until I can come home."

"Your family will be fine, Helen," Aline agreed. "Now come on, if we want to be fine, we should get out of this cold."

Helen smiled and followed her, her white blonde ringlets bouncing on her shoulders. There was a few snowflakes falling, and Aline looked over at her girlfriend whose blue-green eyes gazed across the landscape with curious eyes even though it hadn't been her choice to come here. A few snowflakes had landed on the fur lining her hood, and one was sitting in her nose, melting with the heat.

Without a word, Aline stood up on her toes and kissed Helen gently on the lips. "We'll be okay," she promised as she pulled away, and Helen nodded, smiling.

"We'll be okay," Helen repeated.

"They'll let you come back home when they realise what a nice person you are," the dark-haired girl said, squeezing the blonde's hand. "They just don't know you like I do. But eventually we can go home, and we'll see Jules and Emma, Livia and Ty, Dru and Tavvy. We'll see them all again, even Mark. I promise."

Helen nodded, tears in her eyes. "Thank you," she said, her voice cracking as she pulled her girlfriend into a hug. Aline giggled, hugging her back.

"They just don't know you," she declared. "But I'll always be here for you. That I promise you."

A/N: ehhehehe, just a casual Haline one-shot because I felt like it :)
Hope you enjoy

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