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~Two years later~





Together with their
Request the honor of your
At the celebration of
their wedding

Saturday , The first
of December
Two thousand and
Five O'clock in the evening

420 WoodCroft Ave
Forks, WA.


Adam's POV:

I listened as Lucia read the wedding invitation card for Ana and Liam.

"Awww oh my gosh. I can't believe they're getting married. "I said.

"What? No! Why are you happy? I wasn't happy with her being with Liam from the first time! Seriously! What about Elijah?" Lucy said madly.

"Lucy. Come on . She's been waiting for him to come back since 3 years ago. That's an age. Besides Liam is so much better than Elijah. He never argued with her. And whenever she wanted something he always gave her ."

Lucia rolled her eyes and just walked out of the room.

Since Liam and Ana started their relationship some people weren't accepting the fact that they're together.

"Uwncle Adwam. Can I pway with you ouwtside pwease. "Lulu said in her tiny voice.

She's now 3 years old and the second most adorable baby on earth. Well yea the first is Eliana's baby girl.

"No we're going to aunty Ana now. Ok?" I kneeled down to her level.

"Yaayyyyy. " she started running around.

I chuckled at her.


Eliana's POV:

I was making out with Liam on our bed when my little angel opened the door and came to us.

"Hey mommy. Hehe. "

"Hey baby girl. Come here. "Liam said. I wasn't surprise he loved babies so much.

Though he reminds me of Elijah. I remember old times when Lauren was a baby.

It took me a long time to get over him. But whatever. I love my life now and I'm so happy with Liam and my little baby girl.

She make me sad sometimes cause she looks like her father. She had his green eyes and bright brown hair. She had it long with curls at it's end exactly like Elijah . I won't tell her Elijah is her real dad unless she's grown up enough. Or if he ever come back.

I called her Elena Millard, something that's close to my name.

I held her up and placed her on the bed.

"Hey sweetie. "I kissed her on her cheek making her giggle.

"Come to daddy. "Liam placed her on top of his chest and started playing with her.

"Mommy , daddy. Look. "She was just 2 year and she could walk and speak perfectly.

I waited as she turned around facing her back to us. She then stood up and looked above her shoulder.

"See. " she said as small white wings appeared on her back.

"Oh my god. She got wings. Is that normal?"

"Yea. Congrats baby. You can fly now. " Liam said.

She giggled then tried to fly. She flew a few inches but then fell on her butt.

She started crying. "Oh baby girl don't cry. I'm here. " Liam went to her and sat her on his knees, caressing her back.

The door bell rang making me get up and down my house to open the door.

Since Elijah's disappearance , I left his mother's house and found a house next to Adam's. It was a big two-floors house. With a front garden and a back yard.

It was like any normal house but except for a big water fountain in the backyard.

Adam stood at the door grinning at me like a maniac.

"Auntwie Anaaa" Lauren yelled hugging my knees. I love that girl. She had long curly blond hair like her mother and big brown eyes like Logan's.

"Lulu. How are you doing?" I kneeled to her level.

"So gleat. Hehe. "She giggled. "Uncwle Adam wove me. "She giggled more.

I gave her a shocked looked. "Really? So is that a secret? "

She nodded her small head making me chuckle . She giggled as I kissed her cheek.

"Elena is up go to her. " I told her lightly slapping her small butt.

"Yaaayy. " she yelled and went running up the stairs with her small legs.

"Adam. " I hugged him.

"That girl is making me insane. "

I laughed at him. "Come in. " It was November and it was snowing as usual.

I went up again ,Adam following me.

"So. How are you?" I asked him.

"Great. You?" Adam found a girl last year and he's married now. Her name was Dina and you can say she's my new best friend.
I never thought Adam would find a beautiful british girl with a wonderful ascent. Her eyes were brown and she got light blonde hair -I was jelly . She too loved children a lot and especially my daughter. Which was great.

"I'm great. Where's your wife?" I asked.

"At home. She hates the cold. "

I laughed at him.

"Oh come on. Let her come and we'll have hot chocolate for all of us. Besides our house is always warm. "

"I wonder why. " He said in a whisper.

"Hey! I heard that. " I said punching his arm.

He chuckled and picked up the phone to call his wife.

"By the way. Nice invitation card..hey babe. Can you come over to Ana's house?"

That's all I heard from his chat , then I sat on the bed as Lulu was telling Elena and Liam what happened to her on the way here. Well I can say Liam was interested a lot in that.. Lol.

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