Ch.6 Flash vs Godspeed

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August?...How did you know it was me? How'd know I was The Flash? I asked as he sat up. Every Time you ran out of the CCPD, to everyone else it might've been unnoticeable...but to me, you were just moving at normal speed. Explained August. I was training you. Trying to help you learn to control your powers hoping that one day, you'd be able to fight the meta humans and other villains on this planet. You don't think I wanted that either?! I wanted to fight the evil of this planet, but then I realized something. You, Barry, are to soft. Not just as Barry Allen, but as The Flash as well. You spare everyone. Look at Heatwave! He and Weather Wizard have killed dozens, if not more! But you still let him live? WHY?! Asked August. Why? Well for one. God is the one who chooses who lives and dies. And because everybody deserves a second chance. I replied. You sure have a lot of faith in a being that you can't even see. And what if they keep screwing up after their second chance? What do you do then?! He asked. As long as we have faith in those we look up to and love, we can never truly be destroyed, and I am always willing to give someone  another chance, no matter what theyve done, or how many times they've done it. I replied. And this is why I am going to have to kill you. Not just because  your a weak, caring, son of a b*tch...but because once I've killed you and taken your speed and energy, I will be the most powerful being in the world..even more powerful than that Kryptonian. Said August as a new mask formed over his face. August..please. I insisted as he got in a running position. Let's go, Flash! Shaouted Godspeed in his ghostly voice. Fine...c'mon and get me! I said as I ran in the opposite direction. This'll be fun, Flash! Godspeed replied as he chased after me. Sure thing kid...Joe! Joe, you there? I asked as I activated my bluetooth. Bar? Whats up? He asked. August Heart. He's the speedster that killed the metahuman at the CCPD a few days ago. I explained as we ran through the city. That's unexpected, but how do you know this? He asked. Well, he might be trying to kill me. I said sarcastically. Oh, that complicates things. He replied. Give Captain Singh the phone. I said to him as I ran up a building. Why? Asked Joe. Joe!..Please? I asked again. Gimme a sec. Said Joe as he sat the phone down. Having fun, August? I taunted him while running. Yes, very much so! He replied as he began to speed up. Oh sh*t. I said in my head as I sped up.(A few moments later) Flash? Asked Captain Singh. Captain, hello. Yes this is me. I replied. What can I do for you? He asked. Well, Captain, one of your men is responsible for the death of two meta-humans, and is trying to kill me. I said sarcastically. And who would that be? Asked Singh courisoly. Your CSI, August Heart. He was the speedster that killed Dillon. I replied. My God. hats not all you called to tell me, was it? He asked in shock. Sir, what I'm asking for is not a lot..but it is. I am not fast enough to stop him, I am barely escaping his grasps. I need you to get as many officers with as many weapons ready for our arrival. I explained. Ok, but why do you need us to be ready? Asked Singh. Because when I come in, I'll have tackled August, and while he's will have to light him up. I replied. Ok. See you in?..He asked. 3 minutes, see you soon sir. I said as I hung up. Barry, where you at? Did you stop the Rogues? Asked Cisco over the bluetooth. Uhhh, sorta. I replied sarcastically. Sorta? What D'you mean? He asked again. August, my CSI protege, is Godspeed. And he's chasing me, trying to kill me. I said as I phased through a wall and lost him. Oh, well have fun...I'm kidding, so what are you planning on doing to stop him. I can't say right now, I have to go. I'll talk to you when this is over. I said as i hung up and turned off my ear piece. FLAAAAAASSSSSHHHH!!!! Shouted Godspeed. Right here! I replied as I tackled him and phased through the CCPD walls. There they are! Shoot the white one! Said Captain SIngh. No! Shouted Godspeed as he attempted to run away. Nope, you're staying here!(All the cops begin to shoot Godspeed) Aaarrrrhhhhh!!! He shouted as his body hit the ground and became lifeless. Who was he? Asked one Officer. It was August. Said Joe as he pulled the mask off the body. What?! ASked other officers as they examined the body and it's face. Joe..Captain. I said as i collapsed onto the ground. Flash?! Asked Joe and Singh as they came over to me. legs..I can't feel them. I replied. Oh no...look. Said Joe as he pulled a bullet out of the area around my tailbone. Detective, Captain, Officers. I'll take him. We are friends. Said a man as he threw me over his soldiers. Cisco? Mouhed Joe secretly. C..can you help him? Asked Captain Sing. Yes. Said Cisco as he put a pair of mechanical gloves on. What's your name? Asked Joe jokingly. You can call me Vibe. He replied as he vibed us back to STAR Labs.(Later that night/At STAR Labs) You ok? asked Cisco. Yea, thanks...Vibe. I said sarcastically. You caught that last part? He asked embarrassedly. Yea, I didn't pass out until you began to vibe. I replied. Sorry about that. Said Cisco. It's alright, I think it was from the blood loss. I said as I sat up. You sure you're ok? He asked. the way, where is Harry at? I asked as I looked around. Ohh yeah! He decided to take a tour of this america before he goes home next year. Cisco explained. Oh, I haven't been called Allen by anybody here in a while and I just now remembered. Well...see yah tomorrow. I said as I drifted off. Heh...see yah around man. He replied as he exited the medical room.

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