Ch.1 August Heart

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Wait, are you the August that found me the night I was hit by lightning? I asked. The one and only. Replied August. I never got to tell you thank you. I said as I shook his hand. Anything for a friend. He replied. I'll talk to you two later. Said Joe as he left the lab. So, your a CSI now? I thought you where an officer? I asked. I was. Then I decided that there is more fascinating stuff to uncover as a CSI. He replied. Hey, it's been a while and I heard about your brother. Sorry about his passing. It's ok, atleast they found the guy that did it. Billy Parks. He said as he broke a pencil. Well, at least you go some justice. I replied. Well, the guys are keeping their eye on him. The judge I went said that I had no evidence. But I know, that he was murdered by the Black Hole. The group he was investigating. Said August as he wrote on some papers. Maybe I can dig privately on this Black Hole group. I said as I grabbed my jacket. See yah Barry. He said as I left the lab.(2 and a half years ago) Hello there, this is Linda Park and people here at S.T.A.R Labs have been told to evacuate due to a problem in the particle accelerator's cooling system and.... the....labs....doct....said the news lady as the power turned off. What the?! I said to myself as an explosion came from the Labs.(I look at the window in the roof) What's that?...I said to myself as a bolt of lightening struck and pushed me into nearby chemicals. Ahhhh!!!! I screamed as I fell into a coma.(A few moments later) Hey Barry, I think the power is...Oh my God..Barry! Barry?! Are you ok? Asked August as he checked for a pulse. August! What's wrong? Asked his brother. Go get Captain Singh, we need an ambulance NOW..MAN DOWN! Shouted August as the department crowded into my lab........
(Present Day/1 year after being reacquainted with August) Big Belly Burger has to have the best burgers EVER! Said August as we walked down the street eating burgers. I believe I deduced that the first time I had one of their double barbecue sandwiches. I said as I slipped my drink down. Man you sure eat a lot, yer you're not that large of a person. He replied. Well..uh, I have a high metabolism. It was a side effect F from being struck by lightning. I explained. What was in like? Asked August. Well. A short sting, I fell asleep, I woke up, and that's about it. I said sarcastically.(It starts to rain) Oh shit. Under that awning! Said August as we ran to get out of the rain.(Thunder starts) Well, where there's thunder there's lightning. Said August. Yep. I replied. There's the PD, lets go. He said as we began to cross the street. What do you have to work on when we get back? I asked. Well. I have a report that I have to fi...AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!!!! He shouted as he was struck by lightning. Nooooo!! I shouted as everything went to slow motion. Ok..take him to the hospital. I said to myself as I puked him up and to the alley behind the hospital.(2 weeks later) Hello Doctor, how'd he doing? Asked Joe. Same as last week. He replied. Well, will you call a when anything ch..Said Joe as August began to shake. Excuse me, sorry detective. We need to settle him down! Bring me some d...Said the doctor as August's body stopped shaking and eyes slowly opened. W..what happened? He asked as he woke up fully. Mr. Heart, you were struck by lighting. Said the Doctor as she helped him sit up. How long was I asleep? Asked August. 2 weeks, certainly but as much as our partner was a few years ago. Said the Doctor sarcastically. I'll..I'll get you money soon, I just need to get back on my feet. Said August as he rubbed his eyes. Don't worry kid, the CCPD already took care of it. Said Captain Singh as he and Joe entered the room. T..thank you sir. Said August as he slowly reared up. No problem kid, I'll see you on Monday. Joe here will give you a ride home. Said Singh as he left the room. You ready? Asked Joe. Yes, sir. He replied as he grabbed his clothes and followed Joe out of his hospital room.

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