00 ; predators

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Their chests collide, like his back with the trunk of the tree.

Cold meeting warm.

Their hands meet, and it's like white ink spilled onto a black canvas. Inside of his flesh covered body, his bones begin to vibrate.

Words clog their throats, but none of them open their mouths. Their eyes meet and there's no mistake that they weren't meant to stand like this. Pressed together so tightly anyone would think that they were one person.

The grip amongst their fingers tightens, and neither of them care to know who clenched their fingers first. The thrumming continues, making his teeth chatter with it's intensity.

He's divine, and the human in front of him wasn't made for this type of generosity.

The golden eyes that stare back into his brown eyes are like thunder. His body ignites, and he feels like he's being zapped with a million volts.

His eyes dilate, black pupils overshadowing the brown the ones they shared a home with. A soft breath leaves his mouth, and it's time for the other's eyes to dilate. Gold turning into nothing but a soft ring around darkness.

When he speaks, the Earth begins to shake.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb,"

 Both of you not suitable for a normal type of love. This love was meant for the history books.

Not shying away from the words, the dark skinned boy leans forwards.

He becomes as still as a statue, and the human's lips hover over the immortals.

Slowly, the human speaks.

"Are you the lion or am I?"

When gravity intervenes, two pairs of lips touch.

Neither is weak. Neither is strong.

Predators aren't meant to fall in love with other predators.

But somehow they both did.

Lion alongside Lion.

Poisoned Blood ↠ Edward Cullen ✓Where stories live. Discover now