02 ; white washed

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[demisexuals are characterized by a lack of sexual attraction toward any person unless they become deeply emotionally or romantically connected with a specific person or persons. the level of connection it takes for sexual desire to form is dependent on how close the relationship is rather than initial attraction]

A droplet of water landed into Caden's palm as he stuck his hand outside of the front door. The frothy air attacked the joints of his fingers, making him wince as he snatched his arm back into himself.

Frowning, Caden turned to grab the leather jacket that rested on the hanger nearby. It was surrounded by Aunt Helena's coats, but she'd made an exception to her storage space in order for him to have one hook.

Inside of jacket's pockets, rested some gloves. Slipping them on, as well as a black beanie, Caden left the house. Waiting in the driveway was Aunt Helena's spare car, one she had given to  him to use. It had taken many back and forth arguments from Caden's part, before Aunt Helena had just shoved the keys into his hand before driving away in her own car for work.

After looking up directions on his phone - which he paid the bill for himself - he left to go to the high school. He was representing the junior class, and was being enrolled a full month into the school year.

Aunt Helena had asked him before he'd gotten to Forks if he minded being enrolled so late, and Caden supposed that for more social people that it would be hard - but he had never been one to make any friends. Not even in elementary school.

Not that being alone bothered him much. When you live through a childhood like his, you learned to keep a few things to yourself. His thoughts, his opinions, his desires.

All of it was crammed away inside of him underneath a strict lock and key. Everyone in his family was that way - his mother, his younger cousins, and he supposed Aunt Helena was that way too, given that she lived alone.

The high school was smaller than the one in Colorado, which was both comforting and unnerving at the same time. He'd have no trouble remembering the campus after a couple days here, he was sure.

Tapping his thumb aimlessly against the steering wheel, Caden parked next to a silver Volvo before shutting off the engine. Grabbing his backpack, which was resting in the passenger seat, he slung it over his shoulder before stepping out of the vehicle.

Slipping his hand into the side pocket of his backpack, Caden grabbed his white headphones and slipped them into his ears. Shoving his thumbs into his jean pockets, he began the walk towards the main high school doors.

Eyes instantly followed him like a hawk and Caden pretended not to notice the stares. Once he entered the building, the weight of the different pupils littering the hallways fell from his back. The office was a few doors down, and he entered the room with a tiny smile.

"Name honey," The lady said, glancing upwards at him from underneath her black framed glasses.

"Caden Heims. I just enrolled," Caden said softly, watching as the nameless lady typed on the computer before the printer a few feet away came to life.

"Here's you schedule," The lady said, giving him the paper. "Here's a slip as well that I want you to get all your teachers to sign. Alright?"

"Yes ma'me," Caden replied, before turning on his heels and leaving the office. Feeling the lady's startled stare on his back at his formal tone of voice.

Being the only third generation male in his family, due to his cousins being all female, Caden had learned to respect women more than men. Knowing what women were capable of, especially in his family, were the sole reason why he preferred boys over girls when socializing. Women seemed too dangerous with their sharp glances and perfectly tousled hair.

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