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The rain pelted gently against the window of Edward's Volvo.

Caden stared at the passing scenery, dark eyes studying the passing life of Colorado. Despite being gone for only less than a year, everything about the place seemed to be different to the male. Nothing was out of place in Aurora, Colorado but maybe it was Caden's mindset that had changed in the past months.

"Turn right on Glendale Boulevard and your destination should be on your right."

Caden startled slightly at the electronic voice, but caught Edward's eyes and saw the vampire give him a gentle smile. Edward, despite just driving his car, looked spectacular, which didn't come as a surprise but still always managed to make Caden's heart beat out of place.

"Thank you for coming with me," Caden spoke, wanting to get his emotions across. Even though he knew Edward could easily read his mind, words were different when spoken aloud. More real. "I know you had plans for prom, but I promised her that I'd visit when school ended."

"No need to explain," Edward spoke, and he tightened his hand on Caden's a minuscule amount from where their hands were resting, entangled, on the center console. "I want to meet her. It'll be good to see where you get half of your personality."

Caden rolled his eyes, yet a smile tugged on his face. "I'm more like Aunt Helena, but I get your point."

Edward turned the Volvo into Aurora Mental Health Center's parking lot, which was a beige building with a warm exterior around it. Caden looked at the institute like a hawk, wanting to make sure his money was going to a good, secure environment for his mother.

"Relax," Edward spoke gently, finding a parking spot a decent place away from the front sliding doors of the mental health center. "I bet she's more nervous to see you than you are to see her."

"I doubt it," Caden spoke, biting the corner of his mouth. He left out the part where he wasn't even sure his mother would recognize who he was. Her mental health, despite all the best efforts of her medical team, has been declining steadily.

"Positive thoughts," Edward insisted, reading the dark skinned boys thoughts. "Even if she doesn't know it's you, at least she'll know someone is visiting her. That someone cares enough to come by."

With a thick swallow, Caden nodded and propped open the Volvo's door. Edward followed his lead, both of them leaving the car and heading towards the medical center.

Caden instantly clasped onto Edward's hand, not caring about the looks he'd receive and held onto it tightly, knowing that Edward couldn't be hurt even in the slightest.

The entryway of the building had a bright water wall, which Caden supposed was a nice touch to the otherwise bland reception area. There was a woman at the front desk, dressed in white scrubs and talking on the phone whilst writing on her computer.

"Thank you, yes - alright, you have a good day." She spoke, and then she was hanging up the call and giving them a bright smile. "Hi, how may I help you?"

"We're here for a patient visit," Caden stated awkwardly, giving Edward's hand a hard squeeze. "Anya Clover."

The woman, named Heejoo, clicked on her computer a few times before smiling. "Yep, it's right here. She's in the purple room, which is down the main hallway and to your left."

"Thank you," Caden said, and tugged himself away from the front desk and towards the direction the woman had told him to go. Edward followed slowly, a calming presence in Caden's otherwise scatter-brained world.

"Clover?" Edward asked as they walked down the hallway. "She and your dad never married?"

"No, he was just one of her baby momma's," Caden said, trying to keep the scoff from his voice. It was so stereotypical for his father to be unfaithful, yet he couldn't help his reality. "Met her in high school, knocked her up, and then left. But when it didn't work out with the five other woman he abused across the states, he went back to my mom and pretended to be a doting father. But no, they were never married. My mom always said no."

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