05 ; cold ones

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Caden had his legs curled underneath himself as he rested his head on the pillow beneath his neck. His right hand was lifted, pressing a phone to his ear as he spoke to the woman on the other end.

"No," Caden said softly, hearing as his mother took in a choked breath. "Aunt Helena is actually a good guardian."

On the other end of the phone, he heard his mother begin to mumble to herself. Something she did regularly and something Caden pretended he couldn't hear. His mother's voice seemed wispy today, like she was trying to catch her breath from something.

"How are you?" Caden asked, cutting through the rant his mother had been having with herself. "Everything with your treatment okay?"

"I'm fine," His mother grunted, before going back to mumbling quietly.

A tightness formed inside of Caden's chest as he listened to his mother's untranslatable words. While she had never been a good parent, she was still his mother; and it was for that reason that Caden choose to willingly call her every Wednesday.

His mother had no family, well none that she was on good terms with, which left Caden as her only confidant during treatment. Caden had been there to sign his name for the person they should call in case something happened during his mother's stay - since his father wasn't providing anything but funds for Caden's mother's room at the mental help facility from his grave.

Despite his father's terrible treatment of him when he was a child, he'd left a trust fund open for Caden to use in order to keep the family business going if something were to happen. Paying the bills for his wife's stay in the mental help facility wasn't something Caden's father had ever thought his money would be used for, and Caden found a bit of satisfaction in that.

Going against something his father had planned for him.

"I have to go," Caden said, waiting a few moments to see if his mother replied before hanging up. He knew that she'd continue talking into phone for a few minutes before the guards would lead her back to her room.

Making his way down the stairs, Caden swerved into the kitchen. He scanned his supply of food, seeing what snacks were starting to get low. Him paying for his own food had been another condition he'd added onto his regulations for living with his aunt.

They didn't eat the same thing, it wasn't fair for her to pay for something she'd never eat.

After taking a mental inventory, Caden moved towards the front door. He grabbed his grey bomber jacket, finding his wallet in one of the pockets. Sliding on some shoes, he made his way out the front door towards his awaiting car.

Placing the keys in the ignition, Caden tried to remember the directions towards the grocery store. Upon having a general idea where the place was, he began to head in that direction.

Forks had a small grocery store inside of the town. It was filled with off-brand type of foods, which Caden had no particular problem with.

He grabbed a grocery cart, pushing it through the aisles as he grabbed the things he'd been running low of at his Aunt's. Caden had been deciding between Chez-it's or Doritos when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Spooking, Caden spun around to face the bashful expression of Bella Swan. The brunette was blushing slightly, as if she felt embarrassed for startling him. She was dressed in a bright yellow raincoat, hair tucked underneath a black beanie hat. The outfit making her look like a child instead of junior in high school.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Was Bella's first words to him. She danced her brown eyes over the chip selections in his hands before asking, "Grocery shopping?"

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