03 ; biology boy

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The next day, Caden prepared his body for the cold weather.

If there was anything he'd gotten from his mother, it was his vulnerability to the cold. It was something he was trying to grow out of, but had yet to.

His Aunt Helena was waiting for him in the living room, sipping on her coffee while she watched the news. At the bottom of the screen was the schools that were closing for the day due to the snow.

Caden hoped that Forks' high school was one of them.

"You still have school," His Aunt said, sipping her coffee. "The F section has passed by six times and it hasn't said your high school. Better hurry up and get going."

Nodding his head, he silently grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder while grabbing his keys. He muttered a goodbye to his Aunt as he left through the front door.

His black boots weren't meant for this type of weather. The white substance was already starting to leak into the warn seams. Caden cursed himself for not double-layering his socks.

Turning the key in the ignition, Caden searched around his car for his beanie. He hadn't been able to find it this morning in his room and had hoped, for his ears sake, that he'd left it in his car.

Letting out a happy sound, Caden grabbed the black head-piece and placed it over his curly hair. When he had it settled, he reversed his car from the driveway and began his journey towards the high school.

With everyone going slow on the roads, the drive took a bit longer than expected. Not that Caden was complaining, for as long as he got to stay in the warmth of his car, he was perfectly content.

Taking the parking space he'd had yesterday, Caden stuck his hands in his coats pocket for his headphones. However, someone noticed him before he could place them into his ears.

"Caden!" Jessica shouted, waving her pink mitten clad hands.

Groaning to himself slightly, he wrapped his headphones and placed them away. Jessica was smiling brightly at him, and Caden smiled back - happy that someone seemed to enjoy his presence.

Jessica made her way across the road that divided her from Caden's side of the parking lot. Her boots were not made for the weather, either.

"No, don't Jess. I'll come to you," Caden said, not wanting to see the girl suffer.

However, Jessica wasn't listening to him. She made it about halfway across the sleet covered road when a car came zooming down the street. Certainly too fast for the kind of weather happening outside.

With a snap decision, Caden lunged his body outwards towards Jessica. Grabbing onto the fluffy fur jacket she was wearing and dragging her to his chest as the car skidded to a stop a few inches away from them.

The driver, a young girl, was staring at them with wide eyes. Jessica was screaming in Caden's arms, eyes wide as she flailed wildly in some type of shock.

Her flailing was what caused Caden to loose his footing on the sleet. His worn boots slipped out from underneath him, sending him sprawling toward the ground with a heavy 'thump'.

With the back of his head connecting with the ice. Jessica was on top of him, unharmed, but wide-eyed as she looked at his scrunched up face.

"Caden? Are you alright? Oh my god," She said, removing herself from his arms in a hurried motion that made his head ache.

Caden laid on the ground for a few moments, before he gathered his bearings and lifted himself up from the ground. He let out a choked sound as the world seemed to swirl for a few moments.

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