06 ; not a date

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The next morning, Caden was more determined than ever to see Edward.

Jacob's words haunted his memory. For a reason that both disturbed and intrigued Caden to no end. He didn't know what Edward was, he just knew that it wasn't human. He could feel that something was off about Edward, inside of his bones.

Hopefully, Edward would be able to clear that up for him.

Removing himself from his car, which was conveniently parked beside Edward's Volvo, Caden made his way towards the high school. He could sense eyes on him, but he ignored them quickly in order to make it to the cafeteria.

Instantly, he spotted the table that hosted the Cullen's. Edward was alongside them, smiling at something that the bigger one had said, when his nostrils flared. He then looked directly in Caden's direction, golden eyes igniting with something Caden couldn't name.

Nervously adjusting the navy colored beanie on his head, Caden made his way towards the Cullen's table. Again, eyes seemed to plastered onto his back, but he didn't falter in his steps. Not even when the members of Edward's family looked up at Caden's approaching form.

"I need to talk to you," Caden said once he was in range, dark eyes settled on Edward's startled face.

"Caden, right?" This was a wispy voice, and Caden turned towards the dark haired female at the table. She was smiling gently up at him, perfect white teeth flashing.

"Yes," Caden replied stiffly, confused to as why she was asking.

"I'm Alice," She introduced, sticking her hand out in his direction. "Edward's sister."

"I know-" Caden cut himself off, before shaking Alice's hand gently. "Nice to meet you."

Something soft flared in Alice's eyes. "Edward's told us a lot about you. It's good to finally have a face to match the stories."

Not sure how to feel about Edward conversing about him to his family, Caden simply nodded his head. He then turned towards Edward, seeing that the male was already beginning to stand, and head towards the area where you'd clear off your tray.

Edward gently grabbed Caden's arm, moving the dark skinned boy alongside himself. "What did you want to talk about?"

Caden went easily with Edward, stumbling over the proper words to say. "I've noticed a few things recently and I need some clarification."

At his words, Edward stopped to turn towards him. His golden eyes were roaming over Caden's face, seeming to be reading everything about his facial expression. A moment later, Edward stiffened slightly, but nodded anyways.

"Go to dinner with me," Was Edward's reply, much to Caden's total bewilderment.

"Um, what?" Caden asked, blinking slightly. "I don't think you understand-"

"If you go to dinner with me, I'll explain everything," Edward interrupted, he was looking down at Caden, hope filling his eyes.

"Alright," Caden said slowly, before clarifying for his own sake, "But it's not a date."

Surprise mixed with amusement littered Edward's expression. "I agree. Not a date."

Jerking his head in a brief nod, Caden moved away from Edward and headed towards his normal table beside Bella and Angela.

The two girls looked up at him, both of their dark eyes filled with confusion. It was Angela who spoke first, voice slightly timid, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah," Caden said, biting the corner of his lip. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"You looked kind of uncomfortable," Was Bella's reply, before she took a bite of her carrot stick, chewing thoughtfully.

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