07 ; cold meeting warm

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To say that nothing changed was a fairly inaccurate statement.

Mostly because Edward seemed to think now that Caden knew his secret, it automatically meant that he'd drive Caden to school every morning in his Volvo.

Which wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't like Caden admired the sound of his car door rattling over every turn he made on the ride to school. Or how bad his engine squealed like it was trying to make him deaf.

It just, well, that Caden had Aunt Helena.

While it wasn't like he and Edward were together, Caden didn't know what his Aunt's reaction would be to a male picking Caden up from school. Especially a boy that belonged to the infamous Cullen family of Forks, Washington.

So, when Edward told Caden than he was going to pick him up the next morning, Caden tried to look out of the window every few seconds to make sure he'd be able to leave before Edward knocked on the door.

It was because of his bad luck, mixed with Caden's neglect to look out the window while making his turkey sandwich for just a few minutes, that his Aunt spotted Edward's care first.

"There's a Volvo parked out front," Aunt Helena commented, dark eyebrows scrunching downwards on her forehead.

"It's for me," Caden said, quickly placing his sandwich into his lunch box and heading towards the front door before Edward knocked.

"Isn't that the same car that picked you up yesterday?" Was his Aunt's next question

Caden stiffened slightly at the accusation in her voice. He then shrugged his shoulders in the best nonchalant way he could manage. His Aunt didn't look impressed, but seemed like she didn't want to press the issue.

Grabbing his backpack, and finishing his lunch, Caden exited his house. Edward had a foot outside of his Volvo, when Caden walked towards him. "Get back in. We have to get to school."

Edward looked a bit stunned by Caden's sudden appearance, but did as told. Caden sunk into the passenger seat, placing his seatbelt across himself, before placing his backpack on his lap.

Starting the car, Edward spared Caden an eyebrow lift. "Are you alright?"

"I'm peachy." Caden replied, biting the inside of his cheek.

Edward didn't seem convinced, however, he didn't push the subject. Caden tried to keep his thoughts clear, now that he knew that Edward could read them. So, he passed the time thinking about everything that passed outside of the Volvo's shiny windows.

As they got to the high school, Caden was floored with how many eyes seemed to latch onto Edward's Volvo. Despite the tinted windows, Caden leaned back slightly, trying to get away from the prying teenage girl eyes.

Edward chuckled at his actions, giving Caden a tiny smile in reply to the dark skinned boys flat look. Caden turned away from Edward, watching as they parked next to a big Jeep, that had the familiar body of Emmett Cullen jumping out of it.

Once they parked, Caden was throwing open his door. Edward did the same on the other side, circling around the back of his car to meet Caden at the back. Stares burned across Caden's skin, making him scratch at the inside of his arm nervously.

A cold hand flashed out to stop the movement, and Caden looked to see Edward watching him closely, eyes soft and open. Giving a tiny smile, Caden relaxed his body and spoke. "Why is everyone staring?"

"Not everyone is staring," Edward countered, beginning to walk. Then, Edward edited his statement a moment later. "No, never mind, he just looked."

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