Chapter 2

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"Ron! Rose! Come on, we've got to get to Diagon Alley!" Rosella groaned and pulled the covers over her head to block out Fred's voice.

"Shut up and let me sleep!" Then she heard thumping up the stairs and Fred and George burst in!

"Come on Rosie! Lets get movin'!" Fred shouted.

"Times a wastin'! You're a-losin'!" George told her, before they yanked her covers off and ran away with them.

"Hey!" She shouted, covering her head with her pillow. "Mum!"

"Boys! Give Rose back her blanket! And Rose dear, do get dressed! We simply must get you your books!" Rosella groaned again, but rolled out of bed and dressed in a gray shirt with a black jacket and dark blue jeans. Not the most cheery of colours, but they suited her, even though she stood out more against the Weasleys.

When she went downstairs, she found her mother braiding Ginny's hair, her father reading The Prophet, Percy shining his prefect badge for the one hundredth time and Ron being dragged down by the arms by Fred and George.

"Lemme go, ya gits!" he shouted, trying to squirm out of their grasps. But the thirteen year old twins just laughed and didn't drop him until they got to the couch, where they threw him down and Rosella could hear a spring snapping as her heavy brother landed.

"Fred! George! Ronald!" They heard their mother shouting from the kitchen. "Don't you dare break that couch!"

"Sorry, Mum." They called in unison.

Soon, after a breakfast of catapulting spoonfuls of oatmeal at Percy and pelting Ginny with bits of bread crusts from their toast, they used Floo Powder and went to Diagon Alley, where they had to go to the bookshop for their secondhand books. As their father did that with Ginny, Fred, and George, Ron, and Rosella, their mother took Percy to get some new robes to congratulate him for becoming a prefect.

As they walked through Diagon Alley, Rosella became a little bored with waiting around for her mother to find just the right priced books. So, much like Fred and George, she began to look for mischief.

"Come on, Ron." She said, pulling on his arm. "Let's go look around! See if there's anything neat around here!" Ron nodded, just as eager to get out of the crowded bookshop.

"We'll be back, Mum!" He called, then they ran out before hearing her reply. As they walked, they admired the racing brooms, stared wistfully at the sweets in the windows of Honeyduke's, and watched as children tried out different wands through the windows of Ollivander's.

"I wish we could afford to get new wands." Ron whispered to her. Money was a tight situation in the Weasley family, and they tried their hardest to not point it out too often.

Rosella nodded to Ron. "Well, at least we can get Bill and Charlie's old wands. I call Charlie's, though!" Ron kicked the wall.

"Bloody hell! Bill's wand is older than he is and it has unicorn hair sticking out of it!" Rosella laughed at him, then noticed something behind him.

"Ron, look!" She said, pointing. Ron turned around, and saw an enormous man with a huge furry beard, and next to him was a boy that looked about eleven, with black hair that never seemed to sit still and round rimmed glasses that had tape covering the nose. He seemed familiar to Rosella, yet she couldn't place who he was.

"Rosella, look!" Ron hissed, pulling her into an alleyway between Ollivander's and the store next to it. "Watch his bangs! He's got a lightning shaped scar!" Rosella gasped, and watched as the window blew the boy's bangs away, revealing the scar.

"Bloody hell!" She exclaimed in a whisper. "He must be Harry Potter!" Ron gave her a poke.

"Do you think he'd give us an autograph?" Rosella gave him a jab back.

"No! Ron, we can't just go up to him and ask for his autograph! After all, he was a baby when it happened! He might not remember that it was him, or maybe its too painful for him to remember!" Ron's shoulder slumped, but he nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. But still, that's so cool! We got to see Harry Potter! The Boy Who Lived!" 

"Ron! Rose! Where are you two? We have to get home! We can stop at Honeyduke's if you'd like!" They heard their mother calling. The two ran out of their hiding spot, eager for the rare treat that they could get at Honeyduke's. 

As they entered the sweet shop, they saw a boy with silver hair and black robes picking up two Chocolate Frogs, three Licorice Wands, and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Jelly Beans. When he saw the Weasleys, he sneered at them, stuck his nose in the air, and walked out of the shop, his father doing the same to Mr. Weasley, who just nodded to him. Then Mrs. Weasley went up to the counter. 

"Six Chocolate Frogs and a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Jelly Beans, please." She said. 

"That's going to be a Galleon and five Sickles, sweetheart." The clerk said. Ron and Rosella exchanged looks. That was pretty expensive for some sweets. But Mrs. Weasley dug into her purse and pulled out what she owed, and the clerk handed each Weasley kid a Chocolate Frog and gave Fred the jelly beans.

When they got back home, Fred shared out the jelly beans and they each took turns eating one. That was how Rosella ended up eating pepper, cotton candy, grass, mint, toothpaste, and a vomit one. Ron ended up with ear wax, lime, toffee, and cleaning wipe. Only Ginny was the lucky one. Tutti Frutti, buttered popcorn, caramel corn, and berry blue. The only bad one she got was black licorice, and that was supposed to be one of the good ones.

"Bloody hell, Ginny, how do you do it?" Ron asked her, after spitting out a skunk spray one. She shrugged.

"I'm just really good at guessing the good ones."

"Mind guessing me a grape?" George asked her as he pulled out a salty one. They all laughed and Ginny dug through the box until she found a promising looking purple one. 

"Here, Georgie." George eyed her wearily, then bit into the corner of the bean, and smiled.

"It's good!" They all laughed again and kept going until Mrs. Weasley took away the candy and called them in for dinner. It was a good ending to a pretty good day.

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