16: "It's On Saturday!"

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Over the weeks that followed, Marcus and I hung out a lot more. By now, we were definitely best friends, him, Bailey and I. I felt as comfortable around him as I did with Bailey, who I had known for over 8 years.

Every time we were together though, I would still experience that weird tingling feeling I felt that day at the movie theatre, I just couldn't get rid of it, no matter how hard I tried. I had an idea of what it might be, but I was so desperately hoping that it was wrong, it had to be.

"Are you nearly done in there?" Marcus shouted.

Today, we were at the mall. I had dragged him along with me, and Bailey, to go shopping, for real this time.

Bailey and I were in the fitting rooms, trying on clothes from the piles we had each bought in, as we had been for the last 10 minutes.

"I am." Bailey replied, opening the door of the fitting room we were sharing.

"Oh my God, Bailey! I don't want the whole world seeing my in my bra, thank you very much." I slid a top on over my head.

"You look hot though." She laughed, walking out.

I glared at her, pulling my hair out from under the shirt.

"Stop looking at me like that and get changed, loser." She instructed, taking a place next to Marcus.

"If you've got it, flaunt it, girl." Marcus said in a camp voice, snapping his fingers at the side and moving his head in the same direction.

"Yes! See, Marcus is with me." She high-fived him.

"Ugh. I know you two can't get enough of me." I said sarcastically, flipping my hair and rolling my eyes. "But how about we go and pay?"


"Don't forget, your homework is due tomorrow. Okay, class dismissed." Mrs Burne called out, at school the next day.

At once, everyone rose from their seats, stampeding to the door, fighting to get out. Once out, Marcus, Bailey and I walked and calmly toward our lockers, which were all close to each other.

"Hey, guys, look." Bailey stopped us, pointing at something that she had taken out from her locker.

Marcus and I moved closer, trying to get a better look at the note she was holding.

Raven Danish's Party

Saturday 13

Starts at 7.30pm

Be there

"Party time." Bailey cheered.

"That means we have to go shopping again, I have nothing to wear!" I pointed out.

"I totally forgot about that. We'll have to go on Friday."

"What if we don't find anything? It's on Saturday!"

"Don't worry we will."

"Ugh, hair." I examined my ends. "Mine needs to be trimmed, like, bad."

"And I need to buy more make up, I'm running low." Bailey dragged her hands down her face.

"Oh, the stuggles of being a girl." Marcus chuckled, as he took books out of his locker.

"But you're just a boy. And you don't understand." Bailey sang, pushing his shoulder back.

"Whatever." He shut his locker with one hand, holding the books against his chest with the other. "I'm sure you'll both look nice either way."

"Nice save, sugar." I friendly punched his arm.

"Thanks." He laughed.

"So, on Friday you're both coming over to my house, okay?" Bailey informed.

"Apparently so." Marcus said, looking at me, raising his eyebrows.

"Awesome, ciao." She picked up her bag off the floor and walked away, leaving Marcus and I standing there.

"Wait, where are you -?" I started, but gave up, sighing.

I shook my head and turned to face Marcus, who was standing behind my open locker door.

"Want to go and get some coffee, love?" He asked, holding his arm out.

"Of course." I shut my locker, linking my arm with his, and walking down the hallway together.

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