Part Five: The Hidden Enemy

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"Animal" Belongs to Def Leppard.

After the recent events, I found it impossible to rid my head of many terrible thoughts. I kept telling myself they weren't real, but it was no use. I felt numb and strange inside. I also believed the stress was getting to Nahkt as well. He would occasionally glance over his shoulder. He would tense up and make quick, twitchy movements. As if he was on-edge, waiting for something to attack us.

After many moments of silence, Nahkt asked: Do you have it too?

I questioned: Have what?

He answered: That terrible feeling you're being watched.

I jested: That's how I've felt my entire life.

Nahkt shuddered and exclaimed: I hate it...

I joked: Do you happen to dislike the sensation because you're used to being the alpha predator?

He growled lowly in response to my dry sense of humor. As we walked on, I felt strange, jabbing pains in my abdominal area. They grew worse with each passing minute. They must've been hunger pangs, for I hadn't eaten in at over 24 hours. They grew worse until it felt like I was being stabbed. I wrapped my arms around myself. My stomach growled so loudly, it was even audible to me. Nahkt stopped walking. He looked around, and then peered at me over his shoulder.

He asked: What...was that?

I hesitantly responded: Tha-that was me...

He questioned: Are you hungry?

I said quietly: A little...

A few moments later I continued: Okay, a lot...

Nahkt stated: Well, there's nothing to be ashamed of! I'm famished too.

I inquired: What are we going to eat then?

Nahkt suggested: We find an animal.

I exclaimed: If I see anything, I'll let you know.

We continued wandering aimlessly through the jungle. I didn't know what we were searching for, or even who we were supposed to be running from. All of this seemed pointless. Nahkt and I were practically stranded on this planet. Would we be stuck here forever?

I snapped from my trance when I heard a soft, bleating noise. It sounded like baby calling out in distress. I stopped in my tracks and exclaimed: Wait...

Nahkt stopped as well and turned around to face me. He questioned: What is it?

I inquired: Did you hear that crying sound?

He cocked his head and stated: No, I heard nothing.

I heard the strange noise again. It sounded eerily human. One could easily mistake it for a screaming child.

He said: Okay, I heard it that time.

I asked: What do you think it could be?

Nahkt shrugged and said: Well, there's only one way to find out.

We approached the strange noise with extreme caution. In a few minutes, we reached a curtain of thick vines. The creature was just behind it. Nahkt activated one of his wrist daggers. In one swift motion, he chopped the snakelike plants clean in half. They created a thumping sound as they hit the forest floor. He then retracted the blades.

With them out of the way, I could see that the noise originated from an animal bleating in anguish. The creature was about the size of a dog. It resembled a deer, and its feet ended in hooves. Its fur was the color of rust. Its hind quarters and back legs were striped black and white, like a zebra. Two knobby horns grew out of the top of its head. The beast's eyes were like black beads, and they were mad with fear. Its fuzzy ears folded back against its head as soon as it saw us.

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