SS (Part II): Out of Me, Into You

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~ Nahkt's POV ~

I was absolutely infuriated with myself! How could I have been dawdling around with the younglings while my mate was bleeding out in the hangar? My Eden called for me, and I didn't even hear. How could I have abandoned her in the time of utmost need?!
Argh! Now was definitely not the time to linger on these thoughts. At this very second in the present, Eden's life was in jeopardy. I had to focus! In this moment, I was the only one who could save her!
In a few quick bounds, I exited the hangar bay and sprinted as quickly as my feet could carry me. The nearest infirmary was quite a distance away, and I didn't have much time.
As I dashed through the dimly lit corridors, I glanced down at my mate. Her eyes were set on me, but they were empty and inexpressive. Her skin was ashen and cold to the touch. Several moments later, Eden's eyes faded completely and started to close.
     I exclaimed: No, don't do that! You have to stay awake!
     I didn't even have a chance to finish completely before her eyes slid shut. Her body fell limp in my arms as she blacked out. I could feel her chest rapidly rising and falling in shallow patterns, and her heart raced endlessly. I felt my own heart sink. Her life was fading away... No. I absolutely could not allow that to happen!
Along the path, I hurried through a common area filled with the Unblooded. It was a section known as "The Pit." Because they did not have the rank for their own quarters, they were all cooped together down here.
The individuals were wrestling and play-fighting with one another. I roared at the young clan members, demanding them to move out of my way. They must have been wondering why their elder was sprinting through the halls. They probably became even more confused when they saw Eden's unconscious form in my arms.

After I left the premises of the Pit, I continued to run at top speed until I stumbled into the infirmary. Although the room itself was absent of healers, I would perform the emergency surgery myself. I had saved Eden's life before, and I would do it again.
I laid her limp body onto an operating table and hurried to find the cabinet of medical supplies. When I opened the hinged doors, it was completely empty. I snarled lowly.
In frustration, I forcefully slammed the cabinet shut, causing the entire room to shake.
I rammed my fists on the wall and bellowed out loud, "Why is everything going missing?!"
There was a reason behind my vexation. Many different items including food, weapons, equipment, and even my Plasmacaster had vanished without a trace. It angered me that I could not find the culprit responsible, and since Eden's condition was now critical, I was exceptionally ticked off.
I trashed the floor in search for medical equipment. In under a minute, I had completely wrecked the room. Supplies and instruments were strewn all over the floor. Finally, I discovered a kit in a hidden location. It was aged and worn, but it would have to do.
     Thank the gods, I thought. Without any further stalling, I rushed back to Eden and opened the emergency gear. Before anything else, I sterilized my hands and the tools, for an infection could be dangerous in the near future. Then, I tore off the clan bandana I had tied around her leg in the hangar. There was no further need for it.
While equipped with a needle and wire, I carefully reached into Eden's leg and tied off the severed blood vessels. With the skill of an expert surgeon, I sewed her torn muscles back into place. Although the laceration would take time to mend, I knew my mate would be able to walk and run again. Time had the power to heal her wounds.
After double—and triple checking my work, I plunged the needle into her soft skin and sutured the edges together. The cut was very clean in shape, which meant that it would mend without difficulty.
I tucked the instruments back into the kit and breathed out a sigh of relief. I now had a hope that Eden was going to be safe from harm. However, that warm feeling was quickly extinguished by a larger obstacle. Even with her leg sewn up, my mate was still fading away...

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