SS: A New Beginning

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     A/N: Oh my gosh, guys! 7K views?! Thank you so much for your support and taking time from your lives to read my cliché book!
Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing correctly, but I just wanted to say thanks for everything! The number of views don't really matter to me, but I never would have anticipated to receive this many. You guys are awesome!.. God bless!!

~ Eden's POV ~

     The automatic door leading to my quarters slid open with a faint whoosh. I stepped into the room and sat down on my sleeping mat. It was time to begin my daily meditation. My legs folded crisscross style, and my eyes slowly closed. In a matter of moments, I slipped into a trance.
     I breathed steadily and calmed my conscience. Nearly every thought consisted of the events after the jungle. A shiver ran down my spine at the remembrance of the infamous brothers.

     Over 2 years had passed since Nahkt and I survived the wrath of Tamak and AngKor. Although I had no clue of the exact Earth date, I was sure it was long past the day of my 18th birthday. Time passed much too quickly. I couldn't believe that it was only a few years ago when I was once fleeing from Nahkt in the forest of my hometown. Back then, I never knew which breath would be my last. Those were dark times indeed.
     Now, life was the dream. Since the Congo, I had accompanied my mate on a handful of minor missions. He showed me the wonders and beauty of this universe... As a bonus, I was also properly introduced to the members of the clan.
     The yautja were more accepting of me than I ever could have anticipated. In fact, some of the highly experienced Hunters taught me their language of sign and how to use different methods of combat. Of course, training sessions were held under Nahkt's close supervision.

     When I fled my human household on that fateful night, I ran away in hope of finding a better family. After the never-ending agony, after so many tribulations, my wish had actually come true. I found a home, and my wandering heart had found love. My life was like a Happily Ever After... in an undiscovered fairy tale.


    My thoughts remained in a blank state for an unknown amount of time. Various scenes continued to flow through the eye of my mind, when suddenly, an acute pain flashed in my abdomen. My train of thought was abruptly derailed.
     I gasped and clutched my hand over my stomach. Strangely, as quickly as the ache appeared, it vanished. However, an uncomfortable sensation of pressure lingered inside my gut. Something in my environment wasn't right; I could feel it.
     I sensed an evil presence as if I had Jedi powers. There was no explanation for my anxiety, but I knew there was danger lurking near. I had to find Nahkt. He would know what to do.

     Without any further time to waste, I jumped to my feet and quickly stumbled out into the hallway. Before I could break out into a run, I was greeted by one of my mentors. Laak'na was one of the older clan members. He was the individual who taught me how to communicate using sign. Over time, I came to consider him a good friend.
     Laak'na approached me and signed, "What's wrong? You appear to be in distress."
     I shrugged."It's nothing. Everything is fine."
     My mentor retorted, "You lie. Tell the truth."
     I sighed and responded with my hands, "This is going to sound very stupid. I can't explain how, but I can feel the presence of danger on the mothership."
     A puzzled look moved onto his face, and his teeth clacked together. He paused before signing, "Heh, you must have a sixth sense!.. In fact, an extremely dangerous intruder has landed in the secondary hangar. He is a Hish-qu-ten."
     I was confused. Never before had I heard of a creature such as that.
I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's a Hish-qu-ten?.. And what makes it so dangerous?"
     He immediately responded, "Those cold blooded, reptilian brutes are similar to us, but are nothing close. If you're wondering, the thing that makes them so deadly is their infamous kill gland. When it becomes active, they go on a rampage and slaughter any living thing in their path..."
     Laak'na paused and shook his head. "I mustn't ramble on like this... Back on topic. The invader has locked himself inside his personal ship. For trespassing, he will be destroyed."
     I questioned, "Why hasn't he been eradicated?"
     My mentor replied, "We could terminate the Hish easily, but it would be a shame for him to die without honor. At the very least, he deserves to greet death in combat."
     I signed excitedly, "I'd like to help!"
     Laak'na shook his head. "No, Hish are powerful opponents. We will assign someone to deal with him later."
     I frowned. "Everyone looks down on me. I'm weak because I'm human."
     His mandibles clinked together. "Eden, you shouldn't jump to conclusions. 'Tis a dangerous habit. Why do you even assume this?"
     I answered shyly, "I dunno, it j-just seems that way."
     Laak'na cocked an eyebrow arch. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Please don't let the other clan members know I told you this... You are the strongest, bravest human I have ever known. To win the heart of Nahkt—I mean, our Elder, there is certainly no weakness in you."
     I bit my lip. "Thank you, Laak'na."
My mentor briefly paused before he signed, "Even if I gave you this compliment, don't roam about seeking for a fight, this one especially. Stay away from the Hish."
I muttered quietly, "Ki'sei."
Laak'na nodded and began to march away. Before he left, I called his name aloud and questioned through gestures, "Wait... Does Nahkt know of this?"
My teacher answered, "As long as the Hish remains cooped inside his ship, there is nothing important to report. However, if the intruder did exit his craft, our Elder would be the first to know. The sensors would alert him."
I paused before signing, "Thank you for the information."
He saluted me and responded, "Anytime, Eden."
After our conversation was finished, the both of us turned around and parted ways. Feeling more secure about the intruder situation, I began to head back to my quarters, but I didn't make it far.

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