3rd Request: Wheel of MISfortune

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     This section is brought to you by sheba151 . It features two guests from her work: The Beast (Remade). Read that book! It's good!
     In addition, I apologize for how long it's taken for me to write another dare. If you had a taste of how busy I am, you'd understand. I've barely had any of my own free time.

     It had been an unfathomably long time since the last dare; Eden and Nahkt weren't expecting anything out of the norm. It had been a week since the discovery of her pregnancy. Despite this, their lives were free of life and death chaos.
     The two lovers were sitting together on a couch, sorting through a pile of baby clothes. XB was lying on a chair, finishing up a project on her phone. Suddenly, she received a notification. Budgie sat straight up and squealed excitedly.
     Nahkt turned to face her. "Oh, no... I know what that sound means."
     Xeno sighed. "Stop being such a sourpuss! You're going to like this dare!"
     "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic," replied Eden.
     XB snickered softly. "You'll find out soon enough."
     Nahkt scratched the back of his head. "So, um, Budgie, why exactly am I going to like this?"
     She stood up and walked over to the door on the other side of the room. "This is why..." Xeno swung the door open.
     Two Yautja males stood on the other side of the doorframe. One had incredibly dark skin, and the other had a brown star marking on his forehead. They stepped into the room. Nahkt stared at them, his mouth gaping open. He dashed over to two figures.
     "Urkrays?! Ash Doe?! I haven't seen you guys in forever!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.
     Urkrays answered, "Yeah, it's pretty weird being in another book. I'm still getting used to it."
     "Enough breaking the fourth wall," exclaimed Nahkt. "Now, come here, you!" He put his friend into a headlock and gave him a painful noogie.
     The unfortunate Urkrays tried to wriggle free. "OwWw, you're hurting me!!"
     Ash Doe pitied his brother and tapped Nahkt on the shoulder. "I think he's had enough. Remember, he is quite delicate."
     Urkrays glared at him. "Heyyy! That's not cool!"
     Nahkt released his victim. "I'm so glad you guys are here! What brought you in the first place?"
     Ash Doe signaled to XB. "I have a feeling the she and Sheba are behind this."
     Urkrays questioned, "What's new around here?"
     Nahkt motioned for Eden to join him. She walked over and crossed her arms. "So, you must be his friends?"
     Ash Doe took control of the introductions. "This is Urkrays, my brother. I'm Ash Doe."
     She replied, "I'm Eden, Nahkt's mate."
     Urkrays jostled his friend. "I see you got yourself a girl."
    Nahkt crouched down beside Eden and pulled her close. "There's more. She and I are going to be parents soon."
     Ash Doe and Urkrays both stared in shock. They saw it coming, but hearing the actual words left them dumbfounded.
     Eden smiled. "Nahkt and I are really excited about this. I mean, who wouldn't be?"
     Her words seemed to snap them from the trance. "Congrats, dude!" exclaimed Ash Doe.
     "Make sure to invite us to the baby shower!" Urkrays added.
     XenoBudgie walked over. "Okay, you guys. That's enough talk for now. Time to get to the dare!!"
     Nahkt stood. "I thought bringing in Ash and Urkrays was the dare!"
     "Nope! It's something even better!" chimed XB. "All of you, follow me!"
     She led everyone to a separate room. It consisted of a small stage, craft supplies, and a massive wheel covered in colorful labels.
     Budgie held out her arms. "Welcome to the wheel of MISfortune! You can thank Sheba for this!" She clapped her hands together. "Now, who's feeling brave today?"
     Nahkt nudged his mate forward. "Ahem, ladies first."
     Eden looked up at him and scowled. "Why, how kind of you," she said sarcastically.
     She approached the wheel and spun it. The disk rotated until it stopped completely. Eden read the text out loud. "Pick and Draw... What the heck does that mean?"
     XB handed her a marker and stated, "Basically, you can choose anyone in the room, except for me, and doodle whatever you wish on them."
     Eden looked around the room and zoned in on a victim. "Urkrays, get over here."
     He swallowed nervously and approached her. "There's something about you that terrifies me."
     "Now, what should I draw?" said Eden mischievously. She eyed the unique star mark on his forehead. "Hmm... I know. You're going to get star designs!"
     "Wh-Where?" stuttered Urkrays.
     "Everywhere!" she answered.
     He groaned in protest. Eden uncapped the marker and proceeded to doodle all over his face, arms, legs, chest, and back. Soon enough, he was covered in black stars.
     Urkrays moaned. "I'm going to get ink poisoning!"
     Eden rolled her eyes. "No, you won't. Quit whining."
     XB sent them with the rest of the group. Next, it was the brothers' turn. Because they were guests, they would spin the wheel together. Ash Doe gripped the disk and turned it forcefully. It rapidly whirled around in circles. The needle landed on Lipsync Battle.
     "Phew! I was expecting worse!" exclaimed Urkrays.
     "Are you kidding me? I can't do this! Heck, I don't even have any lips!" retorted Ash.
     "You'll figure it out," Xeno stated coolly. She directed the two of them to the stage on the side of the room.
     The two of them picked up microphones. "Uhh... What song are we using?" asked Ash Doe.
     Urkrays did not hesitate for a moment. "The Tide is High by Blondie!"
     Eden was confused. "How do you even know Earth music?"
     He waved his hands. "Magic."
     Without warning, XenoBudgie snapped her fingers and the music started. Ash Doe and Urkrays scrambled for their microphones and moved their mouths to match the lyrics.

     "The tide is high but I'm holdin' on
I'm gonna be your number one
I'm not the kind-a girl who gives up just like that, oh no..."

      Urkrays started dancing in his own strange fashion. Ash Doe stared forward blankly, looking like he wanted to murder someone.

"It's not the things you do that tease and hurt me bad
But it's the way you do the things you do to me
I'm not the kind-a girl who gives up just like that, oh no..."

     Up on the stage, Urkrays was really getting into the music. The same monotone expression was plastered onto Ash's face the whole time. Several minutes later, the song ended. The two of them placed their microphones down and exited the stage.
     Urkrays pumped his fist in the air. "That was amazing!! I felt so aliveee!"
     "I wish I could say the same," grumbled Ash Doe. "Now, it's Nahkt's turn... I want to see some action!!"
     XB motioned to the dreaded wheel. Nahkt grumbled to himself and spun the ring. He clacked his teeth together nervously as it slowed to a halt. The needle landed on: Makeover.
     "Aw, HECK no!!" he exclaimed.
     Eden fell to the floor and busted out laughing. "Of course you had to get that one!"
     He cursed under his breath. "Okay, Eden. For that, I'll have you give me one."
     "Hmph. Fine by me," she answered. His mate stood and gathered a random makeup kit in her arms. Nahkt sat down in a chair that just happened to be in the room. Urkrays and Ash Doe gathered around to get a piece of the action.
     Eden shuffled through the beauty products. A cheeky smile spread across her face. "Now, What should I do first?"
     She opened up a bottle of foundation and smothered it all over his face, concealing his tattoos. Nahkt shivered. "What is that stuff..? It's so slimy."
     "Shut up, you. I know you've handled more disgusting things than concealer," she answered.
     Eden found a brown pencil and filled in some heavy eyebrows. Ash Doe strained to hold back a round of laughter.
     Nahkt glared at him. "Don't even start."
     Next, Eden opened up a pallet of black eyeshadow and giggled. "This should help to seriously make your eyes POP!"
     He grumbled as she drew some dark lines and massive wings above his blue orbits. As a finishing touch, she added silver sparkles in the entire region. Eden picked up a blush brush and applied it in thick amounts. This caused a thick, pink cloud to fill the surrounding air.
     Nahkt wheezed. "How can you humans wear this garbage! It's suffocating me!"
     "Beauty is pain," she replied simply.
     Then, Eden drew out several lengths of scarlet lace. She held them in her hand and stood up.
     "Are you done?" asked her mate.
     She shook her head. "Not even close, love."
     With the ribbon equipped, she walked around to his backside and started tugging on his tresses.
     "Mm... That feels good," he teased.
     Eden violently jerked on one of his dreads. "How about now?" She tied a strip of lace around it. The process of yanking and tying continued for about a minute. When she finished, Nahkt's head was covered in pink bows.
     She smiled and clapped excitedly. "What do you think, Ash and Urkrays?"
     They looked at each other and clamped their mouths shut, attempting to hold back their emotions.
     Nahkt batted his eyes at them. "Don't I look fabulous?"
     Eden threw her arms around the side of his neck and leaned her head against his. "Of course you do, Nahkty."
     Urkrays piped up. "That is definitely the most interesting thing I've seen all day."

     Eden gasped suddenly. "I've forgotten the finishing touch!"
     "What more could you possibly do? He already looks like a clown," added Ash Doe.
     Nahkt flashed him a poisonous look. "If I weren't sitting here, you would be on the floor—covered in bruises."
     His lover opened a tube of bright red lipstick. She held it up to her face and applied it onto her own lips.
     Urkrays watched in confusion. "Hey, why aren't you putting it on Nahkt instead?"
     Eden finished and answered, "I don't think it would work too well on him."
     She leaned in close to her mate and planted her lips on his cheek. He purred in response. When she pulled away, there was a vivid red mark on the side of his face.
     "Perfect," stated Eden.
     Ash Doe crossed his arms and chuckled. "Nahkt, I now have blackmail of you for all eternity."
     XB snapped a picture of his powdered face. "This is going in the album. You can show this to your kid!"
     Eden snickered. "That's something I'm looking forward to... Anyway, who's ready for another dare?"
     Everyone else moaned in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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