2nd Request: Eden's Greatest Fear

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A/N: Sorry to be annoying, but first off, I want to thank all who have taken time out of your lives to read my work; and thank you for the requests! . .
This part and all future chapters will be written in past tense. I feel like it's easier writing action scenes and describing details in that format. Enjoy!

     Several days had passed. Everyone returned to the lounging room on that specific day. Nahkt and Eden were cuddling together, and XB was wasting time away on her phone. Silence fell for an exceptionally long time, all until one mouth decided to speak up.
Nahkt inquired, "It's been nearly a week since we've done anything. XB, this is very unlike you. I have a bad feeling about this..."
Budgie flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and shoved the phone into her pocket. She looked at him and flashed a cheeky grin. Maybe there was an evil plan brewing in her mind.
Eden uttered, "I don't like that look she's giving us..."
Her lover nodded. "Me either. This can't be good."
"You know, I can hear every word you guys are saying," sighed Xeno. "And besides, you're right! I have a special dare request! Eden, you're gonna love this one!"
Eden gulped nervously, "Oh great, what instrument of torture are you going to use on me this time?"
XenoBudgie replied, "One of my awesome followers, Knockouts_Sparkmate dared you to face your fear of heights!"
Nahkt mumbled under his breath, "I feel bad saying this, but better you than me."
Eden scowled at him angrily. "How about I lock you in a closet and throw away the key?"
He pleaded, "No! Please, PLEASE don't do that! I take back what I said!"
She answered through gritted teeth, "You had better take it back."

XB stated, "When you two are done flirting, get up and follow me. This dare requires an outdoor environment."
Everyone stood up from their seats and proceeded out the door. After many minutes, they 'magically' ended up on the top of a forest mountain after a quick hike. A couple of feet away, the grassy plateau ended in a steep escarpment (cliff). The ground loomed about 70 feet below them. Eden was already becoming nervous, even though she stayed far away from the edge.
Budgie exclaimed, "This may be something I regret later, but I'm going to leave you two alone here on the mountain. I'll be waiting at the bottom. While you're up here, maybe you can answer a question asked by tsubaki88 . Nahkt, your job is to help Eden overcome her fear of heights. Got it?"
He nodded. "Got it."
     With that, XB swiveled around and left the two of them to settle out Eden's acrophobia. They slowly turned to face each other, and a toothy smile spread onto Nahkt's face.
     He questioned, "So, how're we going to settle this fear of yours?"
     Eden replied, "Just letting you know, I am not going anywhere near the edge of that cliff."
     "Well in that case, how about answering that question by tsubaki? ...or whatever her name was. I remember it being something about how the other members of the clan reacted when they say us together," he said.
     She shrugged, "I dunno, I think they were indifferent about our relationship."
     Nahkt put his paws on his sides and slightly tilted his head upwards. He chuckled and responded, "I honestly thought much of the clan was shocked! You should have seen the faces of the Blooded rank when I held your hand!"
     Eden giggled and held a palm to her mouth. "Oh, yeah, I remember that. It was pretty funny!"

     There was a slight pause before he changed the subject continued, "You told me that you weren't going anywhere near the cliff, right?"
"Yes, and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind," answered his mate.
Nahkt tilted his head and roguishly answered, "Mm... I doubt that."
     Eden snapped, "I'm telling you, I will keep a minimum safe distance of at least 10 feet away."
     He bent down to her level and put his hands on his thighs. She crossed her arms and turned away from him.
     She mumbled, "Don't think you can convince me otherwise."
     Nahkt leaned forward and playfully bit at her ear. His mandibles rubbed and flicked against the side of her head. He clicked enthusiastically. She gasped and swatted him away.
     Her head whipped around to face him. "You know I hate it when you do that!"
     He guffawed, "I'm not gonna stop until you walk right up to the edge."
     She shook her head and swerved away in disgust. Nahkt leaned in to nip at her ear again, but she pushed him away before he had a chance.

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