Foxden: Arrival

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General (POV)

It is past midnight in the town of Foxden and things are very bland at the moment. No activities are being taken, but that did nothing to diminish the plump cheetahs mood as he adjusted the tuning on the radio infront of him. As a Nuntius it was his job to receive and relay messages to anyone who had a radio within fifty miles. A small fox appeared by the door giving the room a casual glance around. Satisfied that all of the Nuntius were at their stations. It was very common for a handful, if not half, of the Nuntius to sneak away and sleep in a secret location known only by them.

"Benjamin." a small fox called , with a surprisingly deep voice, to the plump cheetah. "Report."

"Not much to report Finnick, sir" Ben replied looking at his scanners. "No one's been in or out since F-1 left. Although we have been having sometrouble trying to contact Lionsfeild."

Lionsfeild was a closest town to Foxden, right after Apex. It was just a day or two from Foxden.

"This is E-1. Come in command." a screen to Benjamin's right turned on and revealed a white furred wolf sitting inside of a truck. The wolf kept looking out of the car to his left where the engine of a dirt bike could be heard.

"This is command we hear you E-1." Ben replied into the microphone nearby, while looking into the camera on top of the screen.

"Command we've found F-1." the wolf said his voice uncertain. He looked back at the motorcycleist. "And uh...there's only one."

"What!?" Finnick shouted walking over to Benjamin and jumping up onto the table so that he could be seen. "Five of our best Cursoribus went on a mission and only one comes back!"

"Fraid so, sir." The wolf  said looking back at the camera. "He's a red fox with emerald eyes. Hasn't stopped driving, even after we met him, so we don't know his name."

"That means that they'er either Robin or Nick." Benjamin said as he remembered the five Cursoribus who made F-1. There were two foxes, Robin and Nick, they were father and son, Two identical blonde snow wolves, Ülf and Wülf, who were always arguing, and a bob cat, Lynk, who was rather quite and kept to himself as much as possible.

"At this point we can't tell." the wolf said. "All we know is that they're in a hurry."

"Lead em back to Foxden, immediately." Finnick ordered.

"Roger, sir" The wolf said. "E-1 over and out." the screen went dark for second but then came back to its main screen which had a background of donuts.

"What do you think happened, sir?" Benjamin asked Finnick, tilting his head in curiosity exposing a chocolate donut in one of his neck folds.

"Lotta things could've happened Benjamin." Finnick said. "they could have been ambushed, tailed, separated, hunted, a lot of stuff could have happened we just need to wait for them to tell us exactly what happened."

"Okay. I'll inform you when they arrive, sir." Benjamin said as he started looking back at the screen, but was stopped by Finnick who pointed out the donut in his fold, that he gladly ate thanking Finnick for pointing it out.
(Time skip) Nick pov:

I saw the gates of Foxden as I broke out of the forest. My cloak flapping wildly up and down be hind me with the humvee I ran into following close behind me. It honked its horn three times and the gates opened allowing us to slip in. The humvee slowed but I maintained my speed, shooting straight through the gates I hit the brakes and drifted perfectly to my right, ending up perfectly parked by the left side of the gates. I quickly turned off the bike and got off heading straight for town hall. As I made my way to town hall anyone that came across my path quickly moved a respectable distance away. Once I got to the front doors I was met by two heavily armored wolf Defensores, both armed with a straight bladed sword and a round shield with the logo of a hawk's head carved in the middle.

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