The Mission: Unknown: Past

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General POV:

Several mammals, predators only, made their way into a Beute research lab. The area was filled guards. Large and medium Prey only. The smallest animal on guard was a jackrabbit in blue armor.

"This the spot?" Nick asked Niklas as he looked through his telescope.

"Yep." Niklas said sharpening his knives and claws. "The Elder ordered us to take any valuable info and maybe kill em all."

"Maybe?" Nick asked looking over at him.

"Fine he said try not to kill them all." the older fox said looking at the base

Nick looked at him for a little longer before looking back at the base.

Darhel dropped down from a tree behind nick and Niklas. "50 guards in the perimeter and 100 more in the inside not including the reserve and the back up they can call." he said

"So we got +150 guards to worry about." Nick said.

"Cant we just kill them all?" Niklas asked his bow loaded with two broad headed arrow tips.

"If we do we gotta get rid of those alarms." the back and gold fox said

"We are not killing them all" Nick said. "That's not our mission. But we're still getting rid of those alarms. I don't want to deal with anymore Beute than nessacary."

Darhel nodded and went back into the tree going back into the base

Niklas shot his bow with a silent twang, taking down an alarm. "One down"

Nick put on his hood only his muzzle and his emerald green eyes, and the glowing white paint that made him look like a skeleton in the dark. "Lets move. Keep fatalties to a minimum. Aim to hurt, not to kill. Intellexerunt?"

"Intellexerunt." the others replied quietly putting on their hoods and mask

Niklas slipped on his hood and loaded his bow.

The younger red fox looked at him. 'Wherever this guy came from he's dangerous....I don't doubt for a second that he wouldn't kill anyone inside this place....his gear....its the same as a Cursoribus but....its very obvious he wasnt given the sane training.' Nick looked at the black and gold fox that dropped down from the tree and talked with him. He just came out of nowhere with that kid and said the Elder himself sent them both.' his glowing emerald-green eyes, which only added to the ghostly look of his paint, watched the two foxes as they talked quietly and away from the others. "Who are these two?" he asked himself quietly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*Within the Beute Lab.*

Inside of a well secured testing room there is one deer loading a new and very dangerous weapon created by the Beute scientist and engineers.

"This is Platoon sergeant John Antlerson." the deer said looking into the camera. "I will be testing this weapon created by the scientist and engineers." he held up a silver magnum revolver with a long barrel and a wooden handle. "This is called a Fire arm. One of the many that have been made. This is the model known as a magnum revolver. This is a very powerful hand gun. It shoots a total of 6 projectiles which have a chemical mix within that will send the projectile flying towards its target at blinding speed....Jesus Christ I sound like a nerd." he said rolling his eyes as he loaded the revolver.

The camera moved so it was looking at the target.....6 living wolves were all chained to separate poles...their clothes ripped and matted with blood and muck. They were gagged and blindfolded.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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