Bunnyburrows: Nightmare.

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Nick (POV)

After Judy and I talked we said are good nights and went to sleep. I stayed on the couch since I didn't want to move. It took me a while but I finally I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was on my dirt bike. I looked around and saw that I was with...oh no. The Redblades. That means...no not this again.

"Nick you okay?" I turned around and saw Tate. His mixed eyes showed his concern for me. Tate Wolfe was a pretty big Grey wolf. His fur was three shades of Grey and was mixed with black and Grey. He had a scar over his right eye that continued down to the top of his cheek. He was wearing the standard Cursoribus cloak but his was black with dark Grey. His eyes were mix matched with his right eye being a deep blue and his left eye a piecing green. But even with his scar he was a joyous wolf who always saw the good in others.

 But even with his scar he was a joyous wolf who always saw the good in others

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"H-how are you alive?" I tried to ask but nothing came out.

"Yeah I'm good." I heard my voice from behind me. I turned and saw...me. "Just worried ya know?"

No. Why? Why am I here again?

"Bout what?" Tate asked his head tilting slightly.

"About home." I, dream me, replied looking back. I followed my gaze and saw the lights of Happytown. "I don't want anything to happen here. Not while we're gone at least."

"No one wants anything to happen, Wilde" a familiar gruff voice said behind dream me. "But we can't control life."

I looked back and saw Paladin Jackson. He was a jackal who servered for the army since the war started. He was a well seasoned leader with black fur. His eyes were a dull Grey and his voice sounded like he swallowed a pile of rocks.

(Sullivan's voice is Jackson's and Nathan's is Tate's)

"Sorry sir" I apologized bowing my head for forgiveness.

"Its okay Wilde. You're young." Paladin Jackson replied patting dream me on the shoulder. "You'll learn with more experience."

Dream me went to reply but distant shouts interrupted me. Everyone looked over at Happytown and saw fire coming building and the lights of cars driving straight through the town.

"Oh god!" someone shouted.

"This is H-Defensores we need immediate back up!" our radios started. "We are under attack! I repeat we are under-(door smashes) come at me! (Battle cry. Metal clashes metal. Disgusting suction sound.) Clear this building!...turn off that radio!(Static)"

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