I'm Sorry

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Emily’s POV

Today was a very exciting and eventful day. I really can’t believe that I met Chloe. She was a bitch. I don’t swear that much but I think she deserved it.

I seriously can’t believe that I am in a relationship with an amazingly perfect guy, Luke Hemmings. It feels kinda weird, but I like it!

I walked up the cold, hard wooden steps, that lead up to my not so incredible room. I open my door an flick on my light; that really doesn’t do anything. I make my way to my dresser to get some pajamas. I take out some black and white checkerboard bottoms and a harley davidson long sleeve t-shirt. I strip off my fancy clothes, well at least they are fancy to me. I slip everything on and head towards the bathroom.

I look in the mirror, I just sigh at my reflection. I don’t get why Luke picked me, the nerd who has no friends and who is hated by everyone? Why didn’t he pick Chloe, the beautiful one who has friends and is adored by everyone? Chloe has a skinny body, unlike my fat. I’m just a wreck and a slob too.

I push all of those thoughts from my head. I take my hair down and redo it. My baby hairs fall onto my neck giving me chills. I look at the guitar pick Luke gave me. It is just beautiful, like him; that sounds weird, comparing an inanimate object to a person, but it’s my mind I can think what I want!

My gaze falls to my covered arms. I hope that Luke didn’t find out. I’m so stupid. I should’ve put on my cardigan before he got here. But that’s in the past and I can’t change it. I flick off the light and head to my room.

I hop onto my bed; it make a horrid noise, which probably isn’t good. I look at my phone. I see that I have 3 new texts and 10 notifications from twitter. Woe. I never had a twitter notifications before. The 2 texts were from Kira and one was from Luke.

From Kira: Hey! I hope u r alright, if u need 2 talk, call me!

From Kira: Promise me you won’t do anything harmful!!! <3

I wonder what she was talking about? She sounds really worried.


From Luke: Hey! We should hang out tomorrow, plus I have to ask you something.

I replied to all of them. I went to twitter to see what all of the fuss was about. I probably shouldn’t have.

@Chloe_Is_Amazing: OMG! Who is this whore? Who does she think she is, taking my man? @Emily_Dally

@Sarah_Is_Too_Cool_4_U: You are such a slut. Bitch. @Emily_Dally

@HotChick: @Emily_Dally Your ugly ass should be put in a box and thrown in a lake.


Narrator's’ POV

Emily was in tears. She didn’t understand why everyone hated her. She doesn’t even know any of these people. She just can’t handle it anymore. Her phone flew across the room and hit the ground.

She needs to do it. But she promised.

Flashback: 8th grade

Emily! What are you doing?” Her mom came rushing through the door of the bathroom. Emily had blood all over her clothes, she was drenched.

“Make it stop! Just make it stop! Please.”

Emily’s mom rushed her to the hospital.

An hour seemed to carry on for what seemed like years.

She was ready to talk.

“Why are you cutting yourself?”

“You won’t get it.” Emily says, looking out the window that was a few feet away from her.

“Emily, sweetie, you can tell me anything.”

“No one likes me. Everyone hates me. I get beat up. I sit alone at the lunch table.” She lets a few tears fall, she wipes them away as soon as they came. “I just don’t belong here with these aliens.”

“Everything will be okay. Just promise me that you will never do it again.”

End Of Flashback

She never cut after that. Maybe today will be the day a promise will get broken.

Emily ran her fingers over the dry scars. Tears spilled out and onto the sensitive skin. She walked to her secret box that she hides in her closet. She picked up the green box that was covered with clothes. The box opened to reveal a small pencil razor. Heading towards the bathroom, Emily locked the door and sits in the bath tub.

“I’m so sorry mom. It just got too much.” Her face wet with tears. She then took the blade and slide it across the fresh skin. Small puddles of blood spring out. It then droops over the side of her arms and into the tub. She makes more lines of blood, with every emotion she is feeling.

Some people say that self harming makes them feel a certain way. When Emily cuts, it makes her feel like she is still a part of the world. Everyone pushes her away, like she is just a bug that annoys them. Cutting makes her feel like she can actually feel like a person, instead of a bug.

She wipes away a few tears and gets a few bandages to put on herself.

She finishes cleaning up. She finds her way out of the bathroom, making sure there was no trace of blood in sight.

 Comfy, cozy bed. Emily makes her way into a comfortable position. She puts her headphones in, blasting Jasey Rae by All Time Low.  

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