Everyone Has Different Sides

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Emily’s POV

I just got home from the mall. Boy, that was fun. I actually felt pretty for once, well almost pretty. My confidence has boasted up a lot since the whole bullying thing started. But i'm still insecure.

I walked into my house. I passed through pitch black hallways. My mom is probably still at work or sleeping, so I go into my fridge to get an apple. My favorite fruit, apart from watermelon. I like cutting my apples in slices and then dipping them in peanut butter. YUM!

Anyways, I make my way to my room. I click on the light, inviting me into another world. I go to my dresser and get some pajamas. I slip my clothes off and put the pajamas on. I hung my dress up in my closet. I finally slip into my bed. I reach over to find my phone. I finally find it after 5 minutes of searching. I have 1 new text from Luke.

From Luke: Hey babe! I had a lot of fun today! You look stunning in dresses! :) ;)

I blushed so bad. I know a lot of people say this but I don’t care right now, I must look like a tomato.

To Luke: Hey! I had fun too! Well you should see how red my face is right now! I think your evil power is to make people blush like a mad man! ;)

From Luke: My evil power comes in handy then, doesn’t it?

To Luke: Whatever you say cupcake!

From Luke: Haha! I should get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Sleep tight! x

To Luke: See ya’. Don’t let the bedbugs bite your face off!

From Luke: Um...Okay haha! :)

I closed my eyes in wonder of what will happen tomorrow. I’m nervous, excited, and afraid. I hope this isn’t a set up or a trap. It better not be. Or I don’t know what I would do.

 Luke’s POV

My whole world is spinning right now. I’m so nervous for tomorrow. What if I chicken out? What if I lose my voice? What if she will laugh at me? What if I sweat all over her and she slaps me and runs away screaming in disgust. Oh, I’m probably just messing with myself. Or am I?

I move in my bed to find a comfy spot, but I’m without any luck. It feels like my world will be coming down soon and I don’t know why. I hate feeling something that you can’t explain. Do you feel me or get what I’m saying? You probably don’t, no one ever gets me.

I will eventually fall asleep...but not for a while.

Narrator's POV

“AHHHH!!!!!” Luke woke up with sweat on his face and chest. Sweat sparkled and dripped from his body. He got up to go and clean himself up. He walked slowly towards his bathroom. A tear falls from his eye leaving a small puddle on the counter; an ant could commit suicide in if it wanted to.

He lifts his head up to see his reflection. He stares in disgust. He wipes his face with a dry towel and then he does the same with his chest. His body aching, wanting to go back and rest in his comfy bed that was calling his name. But he can’t move. Every muscle in his body will not work, he wants to be strong but somewhere in his heart he knows he can’t and might never be...


He wakes up a little bit before 6. His dreams are getting worse and worse. He doesn’t want his mom to check on him; like a little eight year old. He sighs. He slips his feet out of the blankets and plops them on his old white carpet. Toes taking in the comfy and warm feeling. He blinks a couple of times to get his eyes used to the darkness that is engulfing him.

He finally made his way to the bathroom. Grabbing a towel and a face cloth, he makes his way into the shower. He strips off his bottoms and his shirt. Stepping into the tiled cube. The first hundred hot water droplets hit his back and suddenly the world disappears right before his very eyes. This is why the shower is his favorite place, apart from wherever Emily is...

Ten minutes go by and he finally decides to get out. He dries himself off and goes to his room to get clothes that he didn’t bring. He puts on the black jeans with the hole in the right knee, with a plain white shirt, and a necklace with a mini harmonica on it. He lets his hair air dry, but he brushes it real quick.

He goes down the stairs. He turns around the left corner. He is hit with the smell of waffles. He goes to the counter and gets a plate of waffles. He sits and devours the waffled in minutes.


Luke walks with his head down to the bus stop. Not bothering to look for Emily. He doesn’t have the strenght to talk to her at the moment. Topic of all sorts run in his mind, that he wants to keep to himself. He doesn’t want Emily to see him like this. Everyday he is getting worse and worse. He thought about skipping today or calling in sick. But that would draw more attention than he would like to have, so he decided against it.

He felt a little tap on his right shoulder. He spun around to see a face with familiar glasses on them.

“Hey Lukey Poo!” She said to him with a big smile. But it faded and as soon as it appeared. She notice that Luke had a frown stitched to his face. “Luke, what’s wrong?” She asked, worried written all over her face and her tone of voice.

“Nothings wrong, I just have a lot on my mind right now.” Luke says, acting as normal as normal is. He wanted to burst out into tears and have her hold him and rub his back while whispering that everything will be okay in his ear. Maybe someday...

“Well, if you ever want to talk about,” she placed a hand to his shoulder, “you know where to find me.” Smiling she searched his face and eyes. He smiled knowing the fact the he had everything and more right in front of him. 

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