I'm Not Very Good At Dancing(Part 1)

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Narrator’s POV

As luke and Emily wait for the bell to ring signaling that school is out for the weekend; they talked about the dance tonight. They rarely made eye contact which was really weird, even for them. Luke being the shy guy he is, and Emily who barely ever opens up to anyone.

“Luke?” Emily turns to finally face him, “Why are you not talking to me like you used too?” Her voice was shaking when she said that. “Do you not want to go to the dance with me anymore?” She asks in a whisper, glossy eyed. Luke looks at her in a confused state of mind.

“How did you get the impression that I don’t want to go to the dance with you?”

“Well,” Emily starts to break down, but she got herself back together because there were other people in the room, “you’re acting so distant and you’re not talking as you normally do when we’re together. And sometimes it feels like I’m annoying you.” She starts to take in deep breathes from talking so fast.

“I-I-” The bell rang as soon as Luke started to talk. Emily hurried out of the classroom, because she knew what was going to happen next. Tears.


Luke was always shy from a young age. He never really used to converse with people. His family didn’t know why. He liked being by himself. He just started coming out of his shell, and now this is happening again. All Luke wants to do is rip out his hair. He just can’t handle Emily hating him, along with what’s already going on.

Luke was the last one out of the classroom, he makes his way to his locker. He puts in his combination, it didn't work at first but after a few more attempts and a little kicking it finally opens. He never really liked lockers before, especially locker rooms. Being the shy boy he is and then combining boys getting undressed together is not a good combination. (Don’t think dirty. Dirty minded people!) Luke walks out of the school building, and starts to walk home. He doesn’t live very far from school. You can hear the scuf sounds from his shoes, as he walks. He was thinking about the dance tonight, should he do it, or should he not? He just doesn’t know anymore. He just hopes that Emily doesn’t hate him. If she does than Luke will not know how to react.

He finally reaches his house after 10 minutes of walking and thinking. He surprisingly sees Emily sitting on her porch. Her head in her hands. Luke hurries toward her, but slows  down when he got to her drive way. He clears his throat. Emily looks up at him with red puffy eyes. He can't stand her looking like this.

“What are you doing here?” She says after wiping her tears off of her sensitive skin. Luke doesn’t say anything to her, he just walks up to her. He crouches down so he is right in front of her. Luke takes his hands and puts them on Emily’s cheeks and stares directly into her eyes.

“You didn’t let me finish.” Luke says.

“What is there left to say?” Emily sighed. “I already know what you were going to say,” tears threaten to fall, “ you don’t want to go to the dance and you never want to talk to me again. Then everything will go back to normal, where people throw paper crumbled into balls and they make contact with my face, along with the spit balls that dry to my face: because I don’t bother wiping them off because I know more are coming. I have to wait to be the last one off of the bus because people will trip me if I try. Then Maddy’s gang will show up again and start beating me senseless, maybe I won’t try to stop them this time.”  Her face falls to the ground, tears fall here and there.

Luke looked baffled. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew about Maddy’s gang, but he didn’t know anything else. He felt his insides turn. He was disgusted with society and people.

“If I didn’t care about you Emily,” Luke put his hand to her cheek to bring her eyes toward his, “would I be here right now?”

Emily wrapped her arms around Luke’s broad shoulders. She cried on his shoulder for about a minute before she wiped her face clean of tears.

Luke’s eyes shot wide open, he didn’t know what was going on. He finally realized what was happening. Emily kissed him. He loosed up, and closed his eyes and kissed back as gently as he could, not wanting to rush things.

They both pulled away, and just stared at each other for a while. A car pulled up in Emily’s driveway. A red ford, Emily’s mom’s car. She looked confused as her mom got out of the car.

“What are you doing home so early?”

“How are you guys going to get to the dance?” Emily’s mom smiled.

“Oh, yeah good idea. I never thought about that.” Luke says while he scratches his head.

“Plus I need pictures before you guys go!” Emily was wondering why her mom was acting so weirdly.

“Um, mom can we talk inside?” she asks. “Lue I will see you later!” Emily and her mom walk into the house, leaving Luke alone. Luke just walks across the street to his house.

Emily’s POV

“Mom!” What has gotten into you?” I asked as soon as I closed the front door.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, you never ever been there for me in the past, so why now?”

“Eily, all I want is to have 2 0r 3 pictures of you and your date and give you a ride.”

“Fine, but how did you even know that I was going to the dance?”

“I have my ways.” That was all she said, and she just walked away. I have a strange mother.


I was getting ready for the dance. I was curling my hair slightly at the moment. When I got done with curling it I put it into a ponytail, but I left a few pieces out so it would frame my face. I walked over to my closet to get my dress. The purple one that made Luke fall of his chair, not literally but that would’ve been pretty funny though.

I put the dress on. Now all I had to do was out on my shoes, which were black converse. Yeah, I know fancy, but in all honesty I can't walk in high heels, without breaking my face or someone’s toe/foot.

*10 minutes later*

It is now 5:30, and the dance starts at 6. Luke and I were texting each other a little bit.

Luke’s POV

On. My. Lordy. What am I going to do, she is going to think I’m a loser. She will laugh at me. I’m going to spit on her, or I’m going to sweat all over her. Oh gosh I am a hot mess.

I walk up to my room to get ready. My tux was black with a white undershirt and my purple tie that matches Emily’s dress. The dress that made me want to fall on the floor and roll around like a whale. I put everything on. I just have to put on my shoes; my black vans, yeah I know stylish but I don’t have any fancy shoes.

It is almost 6. I walk out the door and make my way to Emily’s house. I get there and step up on her porch.

*knock knock*


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