Dresses and Tuxes

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Emily’s POV

Today is thursday, the day I need to get a dress for the dance. I text Luke to see if he is really to go get his tie adn my dress.

From Luke: Ready, come outside!

To Luke: Okay...?

I walk outside my front door to see a Luke and a car. A white car to be clearer.

“Wow, nice ride Lukey!” I say walking towards him.

“Why thank you my lady.” Luke says while bowing to me.

“You’re so weird.”  I say crinkling my forehead.

“That’s why you like me!”

“Sure, that’s the reason.”


After we had our weird conversation, Luke opened the car door for me; signaling for me to get in.

“Where are we off to?”

“Well I thought we could just go to the mall?” That came out more of a question than a statement.

“Sounds good to me!” Luke pulled out of the driveway and down the road.

We didn’t really talk, but it wasn’t very awkward like in every television show that involves dating. It took about five minutes to get to the mall. I don’t live very far from the mall, well I should say we don’t live very far; Luke lives just across from me.

“So what store do you want to look at first?” Luke asks as we walk into Macy’s.

“We could start at Kohls.”


Luke’s POV

We got into Kohls. My guess was they don’t have a very wide/large selection of dress. But what do I know, I’m just a guy. Emily looked around the store. She picked out three dresses. One was purple, the next was black, and the third one was dark blue. She told me to sit down in a waiting chair. I waited around five minutes at the most. I heard the door open, my head instantly went up. My eyes meet some perfect brown ones. SHe was wearing a purple dress that was sleeve less, it was low cut and had silver sparkles.

My mouth dropped 10 inches. “Do I look that bad?” She asks not making any eye contact what so ever.

“Bad? How can you possibly think you look bad? You look absolutely stunning!” I say meaning every single word that escaped my mouth.

“Well I should try on the other dresses then.” She says fiddling with her hands as she backs into the changing room. I don’t get why she is so shy about her body? She has a great body to be exact. I guess it is from all the bullying. I also think she’s so used to wearing big floppy sweatshirts.

My mind starts to wander off, thinking about my mates back in Australia. I really miss everyone back there, well except for one person, my ex. But what can I do about that?

My thoughts were interrupted by a cough. My head instantly went up. My eyes wandered over a body in dark blue. THe dress went a little bit above the knees, it had a silver zipper that went from the mid area or her belly and then went all the way up to the top of the dress. I could feel something grow inside of me. It’s not what you’re thinking, you sick minded people. What I felt was a space in my body being filled. Like I was missing something, but now I’m almost whole again.

“Mhm.” Emily cleared her throat. “What do you think?” She spun around. Wow, she did look perfect doing that.

“To be honest...” She had a look of terror, with a hint of glossy coat on her eyes. “You look gorgeous in both dresses!” She sighed in relief. I laughed softly. looking at the ground.

“Well, I have made a decision on what dress I’m going to buy.”

“Wait?” I asked with a look of confusion on my face. She returned the expression. “I thought you had another dress to try on?”

“Well, I thought about it and..the purple dress had the best reaction out of you.” She giggled.

“I really liked that dress. It looked really great!”

“Whatever you say Lukey Poo.” Lukey Poo? I could get used to this. Five minutes later we checked out of the store and went to go find me a tie that matched her dress. It only took about 10 minutes to find a tie that matched. Now we’re off to my house, or you could say or neighborhood.


Emily shut the car door.

“Luke, I have so much fun today!” She says looking at the ground.”

“I had an amazing time too!”

“Well, see you tomorrow.” She waved and I waved back.

 She has no idea what’s going to happen tomorrow!!!

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