Chapter 1:

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 *Author note*

Hey guys just wanted to say this is my first attempt of writing a fan fic and who better to write about that my idol, Marshall Mathers!if i do continue toet more in depth with this story i may be emted to add arated R scene at some point but all comments on that would be apreiatedand its very early to even consider that but oh well! Hope you enjoy and I would be ever so thankful if you could comment, like, vote and give me feedback! Thank you everyone and enjoy. – Rachel xo

*Chapter one

“Back in black, I hit the sack; it’s been too long I'm glad to be back. Yes I'm, let loose, from the noose” I sang along to the lyrics as my favourite AC/DC song played on my car stereo. I had loved classic rock especially from a young age, ever since my dad let me hear my first ever Aerosmith song I just fell in love with the empowering beat and lyrics of the music. I drove out of the ‘Dollhouse Bar’ parking lot from where I worked and drove home to my small yet cosy home in one of Detroit’s rough neighbourhood’s. I don’t mind being a single woman living myself in such a rundown dangerous area as I have grown to know the crime hot spots and areas in which I should avoid passing through. About 15 minutes passed and I had finally pulled up to my house.

 I stepped out of my ’67 Impala and walked up to my front door after checking all car doors were securely locked. Walking through my cosy little house I automatically picked up the main phone and dialled my best friend Cara’s number and waited for her to answer. “KATIE!!” I heard her sweet tone screech down the phone “well hello to you too “I chuckled. “You excited for tonight honey?”  SHIT, I thought to myself. I had totally forgotten that tonight was the night Cara had organised for our small group of friends to go out to a local bar. “Shit, that’s tonight?!  I don’t have anything planned to wear!” i pressed the phone between my ear and shoulder during this conversation while rustling through my cramped closet space looking for an acceptable outfit for this evenings plans.  I heard Cara sigh on the other end of the phone, and then she spoke. “Wear your Lions football shirt, tuck it into your black denim hot pants and wear nice black heels. You’ll look amazing and it will show off your figure!”  It’s crazy how well she knows my wardrobe better than me at times. I giggled “oh what would I do without you! Right I got to go get ready Love you Caz, when should I expect you to be here?” I questioned her while rummaging my closet. “Oh I know you do! And I’ll be here at 9 so be ready for then, just don’t be late like usual!” she warned then hung up.

I washed and adjusted my make-up and hair in my bright mirror. I looked at the lock on my phone, the time read 20:10 and I panicked thinking I would soon run out of time. I done as Cara had instructed and wore the exact clothing she had previously chosen for me. I glanced in the mirror and couldnt help but think to myself “damn” The tight football jersey clung to my figure showing off my curves.  Time just flew past because before I knew it I heard her loud car horn sound. I proceeded outside and opened the shot gun door of her range rover.

After some time passing driving the streets in Cara's car whilst having our usual girly chats and catching up on the latest gossip we finally arrived at our destination where we would meet our social group. 

As we walked from the car across the parking lot Cara was just a few paces in front of me and I couldn’t help notice how amazing she looked from the back as silly as it sounds. Her long dirty blond hair was so silky and straight, swishing back and forth with each step that she took.

We entered our second favourite bar ‘Coyotes’ where we were met by Jesse, Tyrell, Jayden and Wallace. After we said hello and gave them all a small hug we proceeded to the large booth where the guys had seated and sat down. Wallace being the gentleman that he is went to the long bar at the other end of the room and came back with a large round tray filled with drinks for the group of us sitting around the small table in the camped booth. “Here we go y’all” Wallace said while extending his long arms out placing the drink on the table. We all picked up a shot glass which was filled with a clear liquid with a thin slice of lemon beside it. “What the fuck is this?” Jesse asked while laughing to himself “That would be a tequila shot by the looks of it” I replied while nudging his shoulder playfully. We all threw the large shot into the back of our throats and sucked the slice of lemon afterword’s. Tyrell pulled the funniest face after biting into the sour citrus. The full booth burst out laughing and we started drinking the other drinks that were on the circular tray.

About thirty minutes passed and we had finished all our alcoholic drinks. “I’ll go get us another round, just the normal girls?” Jayden asked while smiling. For being part of a gang, Tyrell, Jayden and Wallace were surprisingly kind and caring towards me and Cara. “Sure!” Cara replied and I just smiled. While we all waited on our drinks, we all had a general gossip about the latest who’s who’s and the latest news update on one of Detroit’s latest kidnappings. Our drinks finally arrived but I soon needed the restroom. “I’ll just be a few minutes” I announced and left the booth and sated walking towards the woman’s restroom.

The bar had become increasingly busy and I had to nudge my way past everyone on my way but me being the clumsy person I am, I knocked over someone’s jacket. Shit. I bent over to pick up the red coat and as I stood back up, coat still in hand, my vision was met by the most beautiful eyes id ever en. They were green with the most amazing shades of blue and they just looked as if you could see into his soul from them. “Hi, I’m sorry but I accidentally knocked your coat over on my way past!” I said while sticking my arms out handing the muscular man his coat. “Um, thank you” his voice sounded familiar, and after scanning his face I began to recognise who he was. 

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