Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Author note.

Okay so this chapter starts off on the next again day from the last chapter.

Much love, Rachel x

Katie’s POV

It was around 2 in the afternoon, I was crashed on the sofa watching trash TV. Bzzzz. I heard my cell vibrated on the kitchen counter. I stretched as i stood off the sofa and preceded to the kitchen to see who had texted me.

“Hi Katie, Andrea here. Would you be able to work tonight? We are a member of staff short and have business party booked in. Thank you.”

Eugh, Andrea was my moody boss. She would always appear to be in such a mood if I try talk to her.  I knew I needed the extra money but I wanted to spend the night in my sweats eating ben and jerry’s or go out with Cara.

“Sorry Andrea, have a family issue to deal with, won’t be able to make it for the extra shift.” I texted back.

I started walking to the fridge to get some fresh water to drink when I noticed Marshall’s number pinned on to the fridge where I put it so as not to lose it. I typed the number into my cell and saved his name in my contact list. I couldn’t decide whether to text him or not as he had mentioned studio work yesterday. Fuck it, I thought.

“Hey Marshall, Its Katie. I was wandering if you are busy tonight? I know its short notice and all but I’m off work and have no plans, just let me know. X” SEND

Now I just wait for a reply, I said to myself in my head and headed back to the sofa to finish watching jerry springer.

An hour or so past and my phone buzzed. I quickly reached for my phone and read the text.

“Hi, I’m free tonight; sure I’d love to do something. I’ll pick you up at around 6 and we can find something to do? See ya then”

I filled with excitement at the thought I was going out with Marshall in just a few hours. Then I panicked, what was I going to wear?! Just then I heard a knock at my door. I skipped to the door thinking it was him surprising me but no it was Jesse. I slouched with disappointment “oh, hi Jesse, what’s up?”  “You’ll never guess who was in the same bar as us a few nights ago!” Jesse said in his deep voice while walking into my house. “Sure walk right in” I muttered under my breath “Eminem! Can you believe it Eminem was in the same fucking bar as us man.” He was beaming as he spoke, he excitement was almost pouring out of him “yeah I know” I replied while moving a few books and paper off my coffee table.

After a good twenty minutes of explaining to Jesse my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen and saw I had one new text and my face lit up.

The text read: “sorry to bother you Katie but I’m gonna be a little bit earlier, see you in thirty minutes? “

“Is that him? “ Jesse jamp up looking happy. “As a matter of fact yeah, he’s picking me up in half an hour so I best get ready” “oh sorry, I’ll show myself out Kate you go get ready. I want a phone call tonight as soon as you get home so I know you’re back safe aight?” Jesse was always protective over me, even more so after what happened when I was younger. “Okay I will I promise” I said and went on my tip toes to give him a hug since he was 6 ft 2 and I was only 5ft 3.

Time flew past and I heard a car horn and walked straight outside, after grabbing my purse cell and keys of course. I skipped out the door to see a Mercedes bens pulled up outside with Marshall standing at the passenger side. “Hey” I said while giving him a short yet sweet hug. “Hi” Marshall replied while opening the door, in a polite way, to let me in.  Marshall walked to the driver’s side and sat himself in the car beside me looked over and smiled. “So what’s the plan for tonight then? “ I asked “well I was thinking we could go grab something to eat and see a movie or somethin? How does Chinese food sound?” “I’ve been craving that for weeks, perfect!” I said while grinning “great, I know the best place to go. Hey what music do you want on?” he asked me politely while motioning towards the high tech stereo. “I honestly don’t mind but if you have any classic rock id love that!” “How’s Aerosmith for you? Hit number 4 then scroll through the tracks”

After 15 minutes of driving and humming along to the greatest hits of Aerosmith we finally arrived at a small Chinese restaurant on a street corner.  We got out the car and walked close together, our arms rubbing together we were that close. We walked inside and sat at a booth in the rear of the restaurant to wait on our food. We waited 10 minutes for a thin tall man walk over with two boxes and chop sticks. Marshall kindly paid the man and we left, carrying our food in our hands. We got back into the car and I held both boxes of food while he drove. “Where we going now?” I asked, he had told me we were eating somewhere else while we waited in the restaraunt but I had no clue where! “It’s a surprise” he said in a mysterious husk tone. Aerosmith love in an elevator came on and I turned the stereo up real loud. I heard Marshall Laugh and I realised I wasn’t in my own car “oh shit, I’m sorry! Bad habit I guess” I laughed “aye it’s cool, I prefer my music loud anyway” he chuckled.

Soon after we pulled up on top of a steep yet driveable hill, we were on the edge of Detroit and from where we were parked you could see the full of the three one third and more. While I was taking in the amazing view Marshall had opened my door and taken the food out my hands and placed them down on the hood of his car. He came back to my side of the car and offered me his hand to get out the car. I stood up and shut the door of the white merc, still holding his hand, and we sat on top of the hood. “Wow” I said quietly under my breath “this is beautiful, I never realised how amazing Detroit looks from here at night. I mean I’ve been here when I was younger during the day but, wow” I said while opening my box and proceeded to eat my noodles. “I love sitting up here at night just thinking about everything. It just takes my mind off things ya’know?” he said while moving in closer to me. We ate our food while having light chatter in between mouthfuls of food.

Once we had finished our amazing meal we just sat on the car huddled close together to keep body heat and it just felt right guess…

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