Woozi ft.Hoshi part 1

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"Yah, just tell me you've fallen for me...again" Woozi the big playboy in school said to me.

"Ha~ you think too high of yourself" I said to him and turned around to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him. He have the smirk on.

"Let go of me" I said strictly.

"Why? You think I will...." he trailed off looking down at my lips. I pursed my lip and try to take my wrist back.

"Look, I don't get why you came into my life in the first place. You played me once and you're going to do it again? I'm not that stupid." I said and he let go of my wrist.

"I know I made the worst mistakes ..but being your boyfriend for that week was....the worst" he said making my heart ache.

"If that was the worst mistake, we don't have anything to talk about...from now on" I said and ran as fast as I could out of the university. It's good it was after lessons, if not, I would be really embarrassed crying over such thing.

It's already 11 but I couldn't sleep so I went out of my dorms to take in some air. I sat down on a bench thinking about the things that happened.

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" I ask myself while a chuckle escape my mouth. I look at my watch and it's already 11:30 so I stood up to leave.

As I turned around, someone was there. I looked clearly and it's Woozi. We look at each other for a second and I looked away and walk pass him as if he doesn't exist.

"Yah!" He called out. I stopped but then realized he's nothing....to me. I keep walking to my dorm.

It's Friday already. That means I get to see my family but they won't be here except my brother Hoshi. He's going to come visit for the weekend and pick me up after my lesson today.

"(Y/N), please come up here." The teacher call me. Everyone looked at me. I went to her and she gave me a flower.

"What's this?" I ask but she pointed to the note.

It's from Hoshi. I smiled while walking back to my seat.

"Ooooo~ (Y/N) got a flower from a guy" Vernon teased. I looked at him and smile.

"Yah, stop it" I said being shy and embarrassed at the same time.

"Aw~ she's blushing" Mina also teased. I hit her once.

They didn't know I have a brother so they think it's from a guy. I look around but a face catch my eyes. I saw Woozi glaring. I rolled my eyes at him and fake smiles to my other friends.

It was break time and all my friends were eating but I didn't feel like eating so I went to the rooftop. When I got there, someone was already there and I knew who it was. I didn't feel like going back down so I'll just act as if he's not there.

I stood on the other end. I can sense him looking toward my direction and then start to walk closer and closer.

"Who's the flower from?" He asked but I stayed quiet. I look up at the sky.

"Can't you hear me? I'm asking you a question!" he shout.

I closed my eyes before looking at him. He had those mad face on. I didn't care....do I? I can feel that tears were starting to forms inside my eyes. Why am I feeling like this? I looked away from him and start to walk down the stairs.

"Yah" he came running after me and pushed me to the wall. I tried to escape without telling him to let go.

"Stop! Why are you like this? Why aren't you talking to me? Were you really hurt that day when I said those things?" He ask.

He was waiting for an answer but he didn't get any cause I really....didn't want to talk to him.

"Are you seriously going to stay silent and not talk to me forever? Fine than, be that way" he said and left.

"From now on...there won't be Woozi in my memory" I said softly.

I went outside to see my brother standing there waiting with his motorcycle. A lot of girls were taking picture of him. I walked up to him and gave him a bear hug.

"You don't know how much I missed you" I said to him. He smiled and hug me again.

"Let's go to your favorite restaurant here" I said and hopped on his motorcycle.

"Let's go" he said and gave me the helmet.

We arrived at the restaurant. I walked in and greet the waitress there.

"The same thing?" The waitress ask us and we laughed cause we might come here too often.

"Yes please~ thank you" we said to her. So she left and we just sit there.

"So....how's school?" Hoshi ask.

"Good, I guess" I said a little sad.

"Aw~ did anyone mess with my little sister?" He ask. I look at him and smile. He's really cute making that puppy face.

"Oppa, stop it. Aish~" I joke getting embarrassed.

After a while, someone came up to Hoshi. It was Woozi!! Shoot!! They high fived and stuff and he looks at me. I looked at my brother.

"Is she...your girlfriend?" Woozi ask Hoshi.

"Yah, are you crazy?! Aish, she's my sister" Hoshi said.

I look at Woozi and stood up and bow 90 degree to him. I acted like I didn't know him. He smirked to me.

"What the heck? Don't you guys know each other?" Hoshi ask confused.

"We don't" I said fastly and sat down.

"Ha....yeah, we don't" he said and also sat down.

Hoshi just looks at us and after that also sat down.

"Oh, I heard you got a girlfriend? Who is she?" Hoshi ask him. He smirk and look at me for a second. I look away after we made eye contact.

"I don't have a girlfriend" he said.

"Unbelievable" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Hoshi ask me.

"Nothing" I said shock.

"Well...aren't you a player" Hoshi said to Woozi now. They laughed after that.

That's when the food comes. The food will make them shut up. They are so loud as if they drank soju.

To be continued~

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