Knock Knock

20 1 0

July 7, 2016

It's three in the afternoon and everyone is already exhausted. Katherine's bored mind found a way to amuse herself and decided to share it with the others. 

"Guys! Knock knock," Katherine said with a grinned across her face. 

"Who's there?" Kyle replied.

"Onion rings."

"Onion rings, who?"

"Onion rings of love!" Katherine sang, before she proceeded to laughing. 

Frank laughed at Katherine for laughing so much at her own joke. Kyle noticed this and was reminded of the fact that Frank tells these kinds of jokes too.

"This is why you two are perfect for each other." Kyle commented.

Katherine was silenced, but eventually she shrugged it off. They then continued to fulfill the tasks they were assigned to make.

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