Chap 15 "Position Questioned"

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Amethyst's POV
A good month and a half passed. Patrick and I decided to go running when we woke up with our pit bull, Dan, and our German Shepard, Bella. "Are you tired yet?" I asked.
"No," Patrick replied as he ran next to me.
"I was asking our dogs," I smiled. "You guys good? If you need a break, let us know. We can stop." The dogs ran to an open field. "Show offs!" We stopped and took a drink of water. Dan and Bella didn't want any. "I love this."
"What?" Patrick asked.
"Not running alone with Bella," I sighed. "Let's go home." We ran home. "I'm going to hope into the shower." Patrick and I showered and got ready for the day. Patrick made Dan food and I made Bella food. We let them eat. "I'm glad I don't live alone anymore."
"Why is that?" Patrick asked.
"It's not lonely anymore," I smiled. I looked at the time. "I gotta get to work. Make sure you walk the dogs later. I'll see you guys soon." I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. "Don't destroy the house."
"You have a good day and be careful," Patrick smiled.
"I don't think that's part of my line of work since I risk my life everyday so innocent people can live," I smiled. I left the house and drove my car to work. I walked into the office and went straight my my office. "The same thing every day."
"Some things never change," a familiar voice came from the bull pen.
"Hey you!" JJ hugged the woman. I looked at her as I walked to my door. "I've missed you."
"Welcome back!" Reid hugged her. "Donuts! Did you remember?"
"Chocolate frosted with sprinkles, yes," she smiled. "How could I forget your favorite?"
"Emily Prentiss," I smiled as I walked down and hugged her. "It's been forever."
"You work here now?" Prentiss smiled as we hugged.
"Yeah, I came a long way from being a nerd in college, huh?" I nodded. She nodded. "Well, I've been caught up on a lot of the BAU history. Welcome back. It is so great to see you."
"Even if it's only temporary," JJ sighed.
"Well, when Hotch told me that the director tapped in for special assignment, I wanted to help out," Prentiss nodded. "More so when he said you guys have escaped serial killers on top of your normal case load."
"Lewis is going to be sorry he missed you," Reid nodded.
"Oh, yeah, me too," Prentiss sighed.
"That's actually Morgan's desk," Reid nodded.
"Look's like we have a case," Morgan walked in. We walked into the conference room. "We have an old friend."
"Garcia," Prentiss hugged Garcia.
"You really are here," Garcia smiled. "It's a dream come true." We sat down. "You know how I like to say something clever before I say something sad and disturbing. Just make sure I can't see the pictures today." I looked at her as I opened my file. I didn't let her see the pictures. "Yesterday, in South Florida, the body of a woman was found encased in concrete in a fifty five gallon drum." I sighed. "Lisa Barkley, thirty five, single, and a mom. She lived with her thirteen year old son in Boyton Beach."
"If she was encased in concrete, how'd they ID her?" JJ asked.
"The ME was able to match prints from three of her fingers that broke through the surface," Garcia nodded.
"When did she go missing?" Prentiss asked.
"A week ago," Rossi nodded. "Where did they find the drum?"
"At an illegal dumpsite, some teenagers found it," Garcia nodded.
"Uh, local PD needs to canvass the area for more possible victims," I sighed.
"They're doing that right now," Garcia replied.
"Any signs of sexual assault?" Morgan asked.
"That is unclear at this time because they're still removing the concrete from her body," Garcia sighed.
"Burying the victim like this may be the unsub's form of torture," Prentiss replied.
"Could be a forensic counter measure," Rossi stated.
"Or a sign of remorse or undoing," Reid shrugged.
"Unfortunately, all of you could be right because of this," Garcia pulled up another picture.
"What is that?" I asked.
"An ultra sound of the drum," Garcia nodded.
"Oh my god," I nodded as Garcia zoomed in.
"Lisa Barkley was still alive when he put her in there," Rossi stated.
"Let's go," I sighed. We got onto the plane with our go-bags. "Let's see what else we can get on a profile."
"Am I missing something?" Prentiss asked.
"With Hotch gone, Amethyst is filling in," Morgan nodded.
"Lisa Barkley lived a low-risk lifestyle," Reid nodded. "Her and her son moved to Boyton Beach after her divorce, four years ago."
"So, is this the work of the jealous ex?" I asked.
"It's not," Rossi nodded. "The ex remarried and lives in Texas."
"And sends child support checks around the clock," Morgan nodded.
"She works as an assistant bank manager," JJ replied. "She works as a whistle blower. This could be a way of silencing her."
"What hits me is the way the unsub disposed of the barrel," Morgan nodded. "There's no way he lifted that sucker up. It must weigh a ton."
"Five hundred and forty two pounds," Reid stated. "Give or take. Depending on such factors like the moisture content of the concrete, the body weight, and the laws of displacement."
"It still doesn't answer the question, how'd he lift it?" Morgan asked.
"We can be looking at two unsubs, maybe," JJ nodded.
"Or a group," I sighed.
"Guys, hate to interrupt but a second drum has been found with a woman's body encased in concrete, inside," Garcia popped up on the laptop screen.
"Where?" I asked.
"At another illegal dumpsite, not far from where Lisa was found," Garcia stated.
"Two women, in literal dumpsites," Prentiss sighed. "He must view his victims as garbage."
"Prentiss, you and I will check out the latest crime scene," Rossi nodded. "JJ, set up with the local PD. Spencer and Morgan, talk with the local ME."
"What about me?" I asked.
"You do what you wanna do," Rossi nodded. "You're the chief right now."
"I'll tag along with Rossi and Prentiss," I smiled. We landed. Rossi, Prentiss, and I got into the SUV. Rossi started driving. We got to the crime scene and got out. "Okay."
"So, you still like driving on the left side of the road?" Rossi asked.
"Yeah, London's good," Prentiss nodded. We looked at the scene. "Amethyst, you got something?"
"No, but this is where the second drum was found," I replied.
"The unsub had to overcome a lot of obstacles to get the drum here," Rossi stated.
"He'd also need a vehicle, capable of supporting a lot of weight," Prentiss nodded. "Maybe a pickup, dual wheels."
"What if he's mixing the cement at the disposal site?" I asked.
"It would be a messy job, I don't see any evidence of that," Prentiss sighed.
"He might have used a steel dolly to get the drum here, but it couldn't have been easy," Rossi looked around.
"So why here?" I asked. "He could've placed it at any canal but he chose here."
"Hard to reach locations, the drums, the concrete," Prentiss looked at us. "This unsub is jumping through a whole lot of loops to hide these bodies."
"Must mean something to him," Rossi looked around. "Part of a ritual, maybe."
"The drums could symbolize coffins, the concrete as a tomb or headstone," I suggested. "All the year marks as a cemetery." I looked at Rossi and Prentiss. "This could be his private burial ground." We went to the PD. "Find out what you can. I'm going to go over the information."
"We have another victim," Morgan walked in.
"You and Prentiss go check it out," I nodded. They left. I could feel Rossi looking at me. "If you have something to say, Rossi, just say it."
"You just got here, how are you the unit chief?" Rossi asked.
"If that's how you feel, I'll let you take over this case," I put my stuff down. "I'll just watch how you handle this without someone as a unit chief, or as you being the chief." I looked at him. "Let's see how the team functions with you." As the investigation went on the next few days, I kept myself in the conference room looking over the files. "How'd we miss it?"
"Baby girl, what are you doing?" Morgan asked. "Why are you distancing yourself from the investigation?"
"Rossi wants to run the team," I nodded. "Let's see how you guys function with him being in charge." We found out who the unsub was and the team got geared up. They all looked at me. "What? It's obvious you guys already going to make the arrest."
"We can't do this without you, baby girl," Morgan looked at me. He handed me my vest and I didn't put it on. "Come on. We could use your leadership in this, Amethyst." I looked at Rossi and Morgan knew. "Come on, Rossi. You have to admit it. We need her."
"Morgan's right," Rossi gave in. "We really need you on this arrest, Amethyst."
"No, you don't," I smiled. "You got him right here you want him." I looked at them. "You guys functioned perfectly fine without me. Go on." They all left but Morgan. "Morgan, go. I'll be alright here." Morgan left. A few hours after the arrest was made, we boarded our plane to head home. Morgan came and sat next to me. "Yes?"
"Why?" Morgan asked.
"Morgan, I'm a profiler," I sighed as I looked at Morgan. "You know that."
"That doesn't really explain anything to why you pulled out of the investigation," Morgan nodded. "Just tell me, what's the issue, baby girl?"
"I overheard Patrick and his guys the other night," I sighed. "The night you hung out with him at the park having a few drinks with Ryan, Chad, and Peter. I was on the bridge."
"So, when you fixing to put a ring on that girl's hand?" Peter asked.
"I don't know, man," Patrick replied. "Amethyst is everything I've dreamed up."
"Then what's stopping you?" Morgan asked. "You know damn well you wanna marry that girl."
"Yeah, I know," Patrick sighed. "I just don't know when the right time is. I mean, I have the ring already."
"You bought the ring already?" Ryan asked. "You are just full of surprises."
"I always have it with me," Patrick showed the ring. "It's just so that I know she won't see it."

"You know the precautions of living with a profiler," Morgan smiled

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"You know the precautions of living with a profiler," Morgan smiled. "Good job. Just know to have everything right when you ask her. She isn't an easy girl to please."
"I'm planning to ask her this weekend," Patrick nodded. "I'm nervous man. I just want it to be at the right place at the right time."
"Are you not ready for commitment?" Morgan asked.
"I'm ready," I nodded. "It's just he was going to ask me over the weekend." I looked at Morgan. "It's already Tuesday."
"You girls don't make it easy to ask a simple question," Morgan sighed. "But trust me. Since you weren't home over the weekend, he'll find another time to ask you. Just be surprised when he does ask you."
"Because I wasn't supposed to know," I nodded.
"Hey, you're holding something back."
"One of the downfalls of being best friends with a profiler."
"Baby girl?"
"Right," I sighed. "Well, when Patrick asks me is beyond me but what if I disappoint him?" I looked at him. "I don't want to disappoint him in domestic life. When we have a child, he'll be giving all of him time up while I'm at work."
"Hey, too early to think of a child," Morgan nodded.
"I know," I responded. "I just want to be prepared."

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