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I peek in further to get a clearer picture of what's happening in there.

A tall man with blonde hair and fair complexion hides my view almost completely.

The other side of the dark oblivion was too bright. I squint my eyes so much that it's a step away from falling out of my sockets.

The light continues blinding me almost permanently.

Suddenly the tall blonde haired man walks towards my direction.

All my muscles tense up in a millisecond.

He stops right in front of me.

I gaze into his peculiarly turquoise eyes.

He looks familiar. But I don't remember how exactly I know him.

But if I know him, he means no harm , right ?

Or probably not.

"Jean, you've gotta come back." He says bluntly.


"Um... Sorry but I don't know you. And my name is Zoey not Jean. And by gotta come back where do you mean ? I'm already dead right? Wait am I alive ? What the hell is happening here ?" I say and as I stop I find myself breathless of my long sentences.

"Calm down. I can't answer your questions, as I don't have the answers. It's within you. The answers for all the doubts you possess. And I can't force you to come back too, I can only inform you of the fact that this isn't the end." He says.

I douse myself in the information I've received. It's too much for once.

Suddenly the man starts fade. So did the light. So did the whole black environment that I was existing in a few seconds ago.

I look down to my hands. It's fading too. I'm fading to join the confused universe of my existence.



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