Chapter 11 - Harry

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Harry's P.O.V

"Oi, I need to talk to you!" I made it sound serious
"Oh, you OK?"
"I heard about Rosie! Is it true that she likes me?"
Maddie went bright red.
I pulled Maddie away into the alleyway.
"Does she?"
"I'm not allowed to say, it's pri-" That's when I pulled in and kissed her. She had soft lips. I touched her cheeks. It felt so nice.
Maddie pushed me away even though I wanted to kiss her longer.
"Harry!" She hissed, "What the hell?"
"What?" I  was confused.
"You just kissed me! You're married with a baby on the way! Why would you do that?!" I could tell she's trying not to shout in case someone heard.
"I love you Izzy!" I slurped out.
Maddie slapped me
"You're drunk!" I heard her screech.
"Ouch," I touched the place where she just slapped me.
I saw her run off and into her house. I noticed a swarm on eyes just looking at me and me going red.
I didn't know what to do. What had I just done? I'd kissed Izzy right?

*Maddie P.O.V*

"You OK?" James sat at the end of my bed.
"Yeah," I turned to look out of my bedroom window so he doesn't see the water fountain that was going out of my eyes.
"Madison, I know you. What happened!" He said sternly.
I wiped my tears then faced him.
"Urghh, fine," I rolled my eyes.
James' face dropped.
He looked shocked and speechless.
"Well, say something!"
"I...I...I don't know what to say,"
"I don't know what to do, James! I don't want them to end because they are adorable together plus Baby Judd is on the way!"
He nodded in agreement, "Well, go downstairs and try and ignore him. He's probably drunk,"
I stood up, "Yeah, OK. Thank you James!"
I went over to him and hugged him.

Sorry this has been an extremely short one 😩

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