Chapter 26 - Danny's Birthday

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"Happy Birthday Danny!! Thank you for always being there for me and standing up for me when I've needed it 🤗 I love you lots and I'll see you later ❤️," I messaged Danny.
I hoped up out of bed, and hoped into the shower. I grabbed up my strawberry shampoo and conditioner and scrubbed it into my head and wait a couple of minutes while I put my chocolate scented shower gel all over my body. I swear my favourite thing about having a shower is just thinking about anything and everything, and also having you own private concert without getting judged!!
I grabbed my towel and dried myself in the bathroom, quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth.
"Maddie!" I heard Tom call me from his bedroom, "Can you come here for a second?"
I huffed as I'm currently stood in my bedroom half naked so I quickly put my dressing gown on and went to Tom and Gi's bedroom.
"You okay?" I sighed.
"Erm yeah. Are you okay to watch Buddy while I go into the shower?" Tom beamed at me, as if he was trying to convince me. I saw my newborn baby brother asleep in the middle of their double sized bed.
"Where's Gi?" I looked around to try and find her.
"She's gone down the shop with Buzz, I'll only be 10 minutes tops," He begged.
"Okayyy, I'll put him on my bed while I dry my hair and that,"
I picked up Buddy and laid him on my shoulder carefully.
"Thank you," He mouthed.
I laid him on my bed and put pillows around him in case he magically roll off but they're not to close to him in case he moved and suffocated.
I put some underwear on, that were already on my bed waiting for me, and quickly popped on some joggers, and put on a sports bra.
I plugged my hairdryer into the wall and dried my hair really quickly. After what felt like a million years, my hair was finally dry. I looked over towards Buddy and he was still fast asleep - I don't even know how as a loud hair dryer was blowing in someone's face, from across the room from him. If he can sleep through that, he can sleep through anything!
"Thank you!" I heard Tom exclaim as he came into my room, with just a towel around his waist.
"It's okay, how long are Gi and Buzz going to be?"
"They shouldn't be to long, maybe half an hour,"
I straightened and curled my hair, and put a jumper on, a black and white Nike jumper.
A bing soon came flying through my phone.

Jonesy🎤💕 - Thank you M! I'll open your presents later and I'll see you all at the meal later, I love you too 💓
Me - It's okay, and same, I'll see you all later ☺️💓

The cries of Buddy waking up started to fill the whole house, telling us all that he's awake. I dragged my legs of the bed and forced myself to go to my parent's room where Buddy is meant to be sleeping. The cries of my younger brother got louder and louder the close I got to him. I picked him up and cuddled him, smothering him with kisses.
"Hey, it's okay, Bud, I'm here now,"
I saw him look up at me, and just stare at me, his tears stopped flowing out of his eyes. I still cuddled him, smiling down at him.
"I love you so much," I sat down on Tom and Gi's bed and put him on my shoulder, rubbing his back.

"Maddie, are you ready?" I heard Gi call me.
I looked up at towards my phone to see my beautiful boyfriend's face beaming at me, "I'm going to have to go babe, I'll text you when I can though,"
"Okay, that's fine. I love you,"
"I love you too, A," I blew a kiss towards him.
I then pressed the red button on my phone and saw my boyfriend's face fade away.
"I'm coming," I jumped off my bed and raced to get my shoes on.

"Good bye, Buzz," I have my little brother a kiss on the cheek, "Good bye Bud," I kissed my youngest brother on the forehead, "Be good for Nanny Debbie," I watched at Gi carried the car seat that had Buddy in, and Buzz held her hand as they walked to Nanny Debbie and Grandad Bob's house.
"Are you excited for tonight, M?" Tom looked at me in the mirror.
"I'm more nervous, this is the first time I'm meeting Danny's side of the family," I started to fiddle with my hands, thoughts rushing through my mind.
"You'll be fine. Vick is lovely, she's a lot like Carrie and Kathy is so positive, she lights up a room every single time she walks into one," Tom reassured me.
"Ah, okay. Is Doug going? And Harry?"
"Doug's at his mum's for this weekend, family emergency I believe, but I think Harry will be, so yeah,"
"Oh okay," I pulled a short smile.
I then heard the front door open and I saw as Gi got in and buckled up her seatbelt.

"And we've arrived," Gi sighed.
I looked around and I saw a car park that was ram packed with cars.
"Woah!" I was shocked.
We then started to walk towards the restaurant.

"The Fletchers are here!" I heard Danny yell, he must've see us walking towards the window.
Within seconds, I was engulfed into a massive hug.
"Hey Dan," I laughed, hugging him back.
"Gi-ster," Danny pulled Gi into a hug.
"And Tommy boy," I saw from the corner of my eye, Danny giving Tom a bro - hug.

"We're through here!"
I walked into a room and I've seen so many people in such a small room. It was like Noah's Arc.
Once we got seated, I sat in between Danny and Gi. Georgia was opposite Danny, Tom was opposite me and Harry was opposite Gi.
"You okay, Mad?" Georgia asked me, picking up her glass to have a sip from it.
"I'm okay, thank you. It's mine and Aidan's anniversary tomorrow,"
"That's gone quick," Georgia sounded shocked, "So you're happy with him right?"
I nodded my head in reassurance, "Of course, the happiest I've been in ages,"
"That's good," Georgia nodded in agreement.
"Well, if anyone hurt my little girl, they'll have me to answer to," Tom said, trying to be serious.
"I'll make sure he doesn't Tom," I nodded my head, "he's really overprotective over me at the moment,"
"That's good, I'm glad you're happy,"
"Mad, you could've invited him here tonight," Danny offered.
"Oh," He hasn't met the band yet, "I'll invite him to the next meal, if that's okay,"
Danny nodded his head in agreement.

- 1st July 2019

Maddie's World - Adopted by Tom And Giovanna FletcherWhere stories live. Discover now