Chapter 16 - Day Out With Charlie

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"Charlie!!" I screamed, with my arms out and running towards him, as I saw a blonde headed man standing in my living room.
"Hello to you too," We both engulfed each other into a hug.
"How are you?" He asked, detaching ourselves from one another.
"I'm good, I'm glad I've met you at last," I beamed.
"Awww, same with you! I've heard so much about you,"
I looked over at Tom, "Good things I'd suspect,"
"Of course. I heard you're a good singer,"
I looked over at Tom once again shocked, "What?! How?"
"In the shower and in your room," Tom laughed.
I rolled my eyes, "Great!"
"Anyway, I'll get my purse and then we'll go," I smiled.
"It sounds like you're going on a date," Matt said, coming out of his hiding hole that is the bathroom.
"Shut up!" Me and Charlie both surprisingly said at the same time.
My face plastered a massive shock expression and I'm guessing Charlie's did as way Matt mouthed, 'Sorry,'
I ran upstairs and immediately messaged Rosie.
Me - I'll text you later how the day with Charlie went! 😅 I'll most probably message you as soon as I'm home or if I find wifi, I'll keep you updated though! 🙏🏻 Love you 💕
I pushed my phone into my pocket, grabbed my Disney rucksack that was on the end of my bed, picked up my headphones that were on my headphone rack that was above my desk and rushed down the stairs to witness Charlie picking up Buzz and cuddling the hell out of him.

I was about to take a cheeky photo but then I got a message from Rosie.
Rosie👅❤️ - Yessss! You know it girl 😉 Tell he what he's like and is he as nice as he sounds to be 🤗
Love you too 💕
Me - I will - I've got to go Rolo but I'll message you later 😘💕
I sent the message and looked up at Charlie.
"You ready?"
I nodded.
"I'm off!" I said my goodbyes to Tom and Gi and left the building with Simpson.
"So tell, me about yourself!" He asked as I sat down in the car.
"Well, my birthday's in June. My best friend's Alisha and Rosie however, I don't see Alisha that much since care. I have a younger sister at home, I obviously don't see her anymore and my mom as well. My dad sadly passed away about 3 to 4 years ago. I like listening to Olly Murs and James Arthur a lot and I tend to keep my room as tidy as possible. Oh, and my highest streak at the moment is 185 with Rosie,"
"I thought you two had that massive argument?"
"Did Gi tell you?"
"No, Matt told me,"
Tom must've told Matt then he obviously told Charlie.
"Oh, yeah. We had a high streak when we had the argument and we couldn't end it there,"
"Oh right,"
I nodded, "Tell me about yourself,"
"I've just had a little kiddo called Ardo. Don't ask, my wife chose the name!" He showed me his ring on his finger, "My birthday's also in June, I'm an only child so I used to get spoilt a lot as a kid!" He winked at me.
"I never got spoilt as a kid," I shrugged.
"I'm going to spoil you today, don't you worry about that!"
I shot a look at him, "You don't have to! I've brought my own money along,"
He tapped his fingers on the wheel, "No, honestly. I'm paying for absolutely everything!" He insisted.
I rolled my eyes, "Fine! But I'm going to eventually pay you back though - without you knowing,"
"Sure," he laughed.
I went onto my Snapchat, took a cheeky mugshot of Charlie and captioned it as, "Heyyyyyyyy," and I sent it to Alisha😘❤️
I tried took another mug shot of Charlie and captioned it as, "Out with this dickhead 😋✌🏻❤️,"
"Yep!" I said, popping my 'P,'
Snapchat from Alisha😘❤️
Alisha😘❤️ - Heyyyy Mads ❤️
She sent me and image of her and she showed off her curly hair with a massive grin on her face.
Me - Heyyy, how are you? ❤️
I sent her an image of my dark curly hair with the side of my face, me having a smile with dimples at both sides of my cheeks.
I went onto Spotify and started to play, 'Busted - Crashed The Wedding'
"That song, really?" Charlie sighed.
"At least I'm not playing losing you," I pointed out.
"You know back in the day, the boys used to always play that song to wind me up,"
"Yeah! I used to drive me crazy BUT I soon got used to it. I got them back though," He took his left hand of the wheel and nudged me in the arm.
"Go on,"
"Whenever they were least expecting it, I'd pull their trousers down and if I'm lucky, their pants will go down with them," He laughed to himself.
"OMG! That's horrible!" I laughed.
"But it was worth it though,"
"You didn't do it in public did you?" I was begging he was going to say no.
"Of course(!)"
I gave him such a shocked look he start to laugh, "Maddie, of course I didn't,"
I did a massive sigh of relief, "Thank God for that,"

Maddie's World - Adopted by Tom And Giovanna FletcherWhere stories live. Discover now