Chapter 6

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(Monday Nov. 1st)

(Dallon's P.O.V) 

I paced back and forth as I waited for the lunch bell to ring. "Dall, she'll love it. I honestly think you should be proud of yourself." Spencer said with reassurance. "Are you sure this is still a just friend's thing?" He asked. I felt frozen, thinking deeply about it at that moment because I did have feelings for Lilliana but the big coward I am at times, I was scared to tell her. "I-I don't know anymore." I mumbled. "Follow you're heart Dall. Not your dick or your brain." he said before walking away. 

-Bell Rings-

"Okay guys. Places." Brendon said before Spencer began to play his drum melody. We decided to have our new friend Kenneth play in Ryan's place after all the drama and it seemed to go better as they all began the song 'Always'. My stomach began to turn as I continued to play my bass and hope for Lilliana to walk in soon. Then I saw the door open and stopped, Brendon continued to sing his soft melody. "Dall whats all this?" She asked with a smile on her face, I walked towards her and gave her a hug. "Well you seem to love dances and music, so I thought you would love this in pair with what I'm about to ask you." I said. Here it goes...

(Lilliana's P.O.V)

I admired all that was going on but felt that pit of fear when Dallon paused before giving me a rose. "Lills, will you go to prom with me?" He asked with a smile. My smile became bigger and I nodded before wrapping my arms around him for an embrace. "Yes Dall." I said as the song ended and the group clapped. "You hungry?" Dallon asked as I let go from his warm embrace. "Yes, I am. Lets get some lunch." I said before signalling the rest of the group to follow us. 


"Awh my little sister is going to prom with her boyfriend!" My brother said before I threw a pillow at him. "He ain't my boyfriend. Yet, I sorta wish he was." I mumbled quietly. "Mija, maybe he will be soon or maybe not. You can't always fall for someone like him." Daniel said with a pout. I sighed and laid back on my bed. "But those eyes, you just don't find them anywhere. It's like they freeze you in time. Only to admire them and them only." I cooed out. Daniel began to giggle as I felt my heart sink into the abyss that was my stomach. Then my phone went off and I smiled to who it was. Dallon. "Hello?" I asked. "Uh, hey. You got a minute?" Dallon asked. "Uh yeah. Something wrong?" I asked in fear. "No! No. Um. Well, my mom sorta want's to meet you. Tonight. Over dinner." He said shyly. "Oh. Okay. When?" I asked. "Maybe...Now?" He said. "Oh damn. She wasn't holding out, was she?"  I asked. "No. She wants to meet the girl that seems to make me smile more than ever now." He said over the phone. I turned red and looked at my brother. "Um, you can come get me. I'll be ready. See you in a bit." I said before hanging up. "Y Que?" He asked. "So, Dallon's mom wants to meet me tonight over dinner!" I shouted in fear. "Stop shouting!" My dad shouted from downstairs. I sighed and walked into my room with my brother following. "Well pues go. Here wear this." My brother said before handing me a dress I was supposed to wear for my mom's wedding. I just flat out didn't go. "You will look great babe." He said. I nodded and got dressed before getting Dallon's text. I walked downstairs and saw my dad sleeping in the chair. "Night daddy." I whispered before walking outside and locking the door behind me. "Wow, you look amazing." Dallon said with red cheeks. I smiled and hugged him before he kissed me. "Wait. Dallon. I don't wanna be given the impression of that you like me, when you don't." I said. "It isn't an impression. Lilliana, I really like you. I wanna get to know you much more. Please." Dallon said. I looked into his eyes and stroked his cheek. "Okay." I said before getting into the car with him. 

(Dallon's P.O.V)

"Alright, ready?" I asked Lilliana. "Um, yeah." She replied shyly as I opened the door. "Mom, I'm back." I called out. I heard the shuffling of pots and pans before my mom finally peaked her head out and smiled. "Oh come in. Dinner is just about ready." My mother said. Lilliana and I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dinner table as my mother was finishing up everything. "I'm nervous Dall." Lilliana whispered before I rested my hand on hers. "Don't be. She'll love you." I said to reassure her. Lilliana smiled and continued to talk with me until my mother was finished. "Alrighty. Dinner is served." She said while placing down some plates and serving us some meatloaf with all the fixings. " This looks Delicious Mrs.Weekes." Lilliana said. "Oh thank you sweetpea. Go ahead you two. Eat up." She said before going first in eating. After a while of silence, my mother stopped in her tracks and smiled at how reserved Lilliana was. "So, Dallon tells me that you really like to do photography and writing?" She asked. Lilliana stopped and wiped her mouth with a napkin before speaking. "Yes, I have a lot of good pictures of the boys. They're my first big and probably one of my only projects." She replied. I smiled and rested my hand on her leg. "Well my little Dallon has always been a looker. Not much of a talker at times." She replied. I turned red before lowering my head. "Well, I have to get to work. Dall, you behave and no mischief  with the lovely lady." My mother said before getting up and kissing my forehead, then hugging Lilliana. "It was very nice to meet you. Thank you again for dinner." Lilliana said before my mother smiled and left. 

"She's very nice." Lilliana said as she sat on my bed. "Oh yeah, she's from the deep south. They all are nice." I replied as I tuned my bass. "Well I should get going Dallon. I have some work I gotta finish and I don't want to sleep in and miss class." Lilliana said while getting up. "Well let me drive you home?" I asked. Lilliana smiled and allowed me to open the door for her. We got into my car and sat there in silence before I turned to kiss her. She didn't fight me back as I deepened the kiss and felt her hand wrap around the back of my neck. We continued for what seemed like forever until the car alarm went off. "Oh god." I whispered in fear. "Dallon what the fuck?" She giggled out. "I must of sat on the panic button." I said while looking down at my keys. "Let's get you home. I don't need your dad waiting for me outside with a shotgun." I joked. Lilliana smiled before kissing my cheek as I backed out of the drive way.


(Lilliana's P.O.V)

"So how did last night go? Dallon has been looking at you with goo goo eyes for the last fifteen minutes." Brenda said. I smirked as I looked at Dallon before getting back to my screen. "It went very well. His mother seems to like me very much." I mumbled shyly. "Well isn't that a good sign?" Brenda asked. I sighed before taking my glasses off and rubbing my temples. "It's just that, it all seems too good to be true. He was with Audry, then out of no where he wants me? It just seems suspicious for things to go this well." I  explained. "Or, maybe this is your big break sweetpea. Winning victory over the school slut who seems to get everything she wants? I mean you know how long her eyes have been on Brendon?" Brenda asked. "Yeah, I guess you're right." I replied before Dallon walked up to us. "Hey, wanna grab some lunch? You look like you need it." He said. "Yeah, lemme just save my work and I'll meet you in the hall." I replied. Dallon nodded and walked out of the room. I looked at Brenda as she gave me a reassuring smile.


"So when is prom to be exact?" I asked. "Uhhh, heh. Next week?" Dallon said. "Dall. What the friggity fuck?" I asked. "Uh I'm sorry Lills on the short notice. But you still wanna go right?" Dallon asked. I smiled and kissed him softly. "Of course." I replied. Dallon smirked then wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the cafeteria. I still had my doubts about all of this but maybe Brenda is right. I won. 

(1 week later)

(Dallon's P.O.V)

"So pick you up at 7?" I asked Lilliana as she was finishing up some sketches. "Yes. And you have the corsage right?" She asked. "Yes, they are probably making it to my house already. So I better get going." I replied. Lilliana nodded and looked up at me. "I'm excited." She said with a smirk. I leaned in to kiss her and smiled. "I am too. I'll see you later." I said before walking away. "Hey Dally baby." I heard a familiar voice say. "Audry. Not now." I firmly stated before Audry pinned me up against the wall. "I missed you. Listen I'm sorry about our little fight and I need you to forgive me. I missed every little inch of you." She said seductively while grabbing my crotch. I held my breath as she continued to rub up on me. "Audry no." I squeaked out before she crashed lips with me. I didn't fight her since this was a game to get her away but at the same time of my dislike it felt so good. Fuck Dallon what are you doing?! You are with Lilliana, but Audry was my first crush shit. No.

"Dallon wait!" I heard Lilliana's voice call out. Oh no. "Dall I was gon-What the hell?" I heard her ask. Audry broke from me completely and giggled. "What's the matter Lilliana. Cat got your tongue? Oh wait, no. I did since your lovely boy toy here had his down my throat." She teased. "Dallon? What the fuck?" Lilliana asked in disbelief. "He doesn't want you tramp. Get going." Audry said. "Lills, I-I" I stuttered. "Save it. I knew this wasn't real. It was just a sick game of yours." Lilliana said before throwing my sweater at me and storming off. "Lills wait!" I called out while being held behind by Audry. "She's gone now Dally. I'm all yours. Isn't that what you wanted this whole time? You can have anything you want from me. And I mean anything." She said seductively and placed my hand on her chest. I sighed and stayed with her. 

It was too late. 

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