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Gem Anderson
Chapter 26| "Don't take this as anything."

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🗓Plan#26🗓Play soundtrack above

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A couple days later,

TODAY WAS THE OFFICIAL DAY THAT OUR football team goes against the Chapton Highschool football team.

I was all dressed in our restricted changing room. Coach was giving us one of her famous boring lectures and she lost me when she opened her mouth. "Gem, do you have anything to say?" I heard her say and I shook my head escaping my thoughts. Standing to my feet I looked over at everyone.

'Okay, girls all I have to say to you now is dance until our feets fall off and if they pull a stunt we will too," I said to the cheer squad and they nodded their head cheering. Our cheerleading outfit were blue and white in color. Everyone had their name to the back and included a number. The numbers matched us with a player from the football team and I magically had number 08 which was Sam's number.

"Are you done?" I heard Coach ask me referring to my makeup. I nodded my head getting up to touch up my hair a bit. I already got it flat ironed so I just styled it with my fingers. I stopped in my tracks seeing that we're seated right below the other team of cheerleaders. I really didn't want to fight anyone today and wasn't for the drama.

"Play it cool girls," I informed the cheer squad and I walked on the bleachers finding the seats with our names on it. Sitting down I stood up making sure that we were all together. "Are you lost?" I heard a familiar voice say to me. Smiling I turned around to be face to face with her.

Head Cheerleader at Chapton High. Popular around California. Daughter of a governor.

"Not really," I responded and she smirked finally recognizing me. "Isn't it little MissGem Anderson. Where's the nerdy glasses and braces?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes. Before I could say something smart I heard the microphone go off. Sitting down I turned facing the front.

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