Bloody Mary

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This is going to be a Halloween one-shot book. I hope ya like it!! Enjoy!!!


Narrator's P.O.V

   A fun sleepover becomes a living nightmare when a certain padawan is convinced to do a ritual. He turns three times calling her name. first. He goes to leave but finds the door locked. He turns back to look in the mirror. He saw her. A scream. Silence.

Let's begin the story on this boring night....

Ezra's P.O.V

   I was laying in my bed bored to death. There was a knock on the door and Sabine's voice was heard,"Hey Ezra". I got up and opened the door, "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you want to sleep in the common room with my for the night for a sleepover," she said hopeful that I would say yes. I raised an eyebrow then smiled, "Sure, what could go wrong" (author's note: he says that now but later......). "Great! I'll be in the common room," she exclaimed and ran off. I chuckled and grabbed a blanket and pillow.

   I walked to the common room and entered the area. There was a small bowl laid on the table and a pillow and blanket on the floor. I set my stuff on the floor and waited for Sabine. She came in a couple of minutes later with some comfy clothes on. I already was changed into my pjs. "So, how do we do this 'sleepover' exactly," I asked her. Sabine smirked and said, "We could prank Zeb to get a good start on the sleepover". An evil grin spread across my face, "I'm starting to like sleepovers". Me and Sabine planned to glue space waffles to Zeb's feet and cover them in syrup.

*one prank later*

   We came back to the common room laughing quietly and put the syrup back in the fridge. "That was to great," Sabine whispered and holding back her laughs. "I know right," I said, "So, now what?". Sabine put on a thinking face until a light bulb on the top of her head lit up. "Have you heard of Bloody Mary?" She said creepily. I shook my head no, "Who is she?". "There is an old Maldorian folklore on her," she started, "You light a candle and go to the refresher, stand in front of the mirror, spin three times while saying her name, then she will appear".

   "Really?" I said excited, "Does it work?". Sabine shrugged her shoulders, "I never tried it and I don't know anyone that has". She continued with a smirk, "Why? Do you want to try?". My grin widen, "Yes". "Alright, you brave soul," Sabine said, "let's get ya a candle".

   We 'borrowed' one of Kanan's candles and went to the refresher. I walked in with the now lit candle and looked at Sabine. "Aren't you a little scared?" she asked. I raised an eyebrow, smiling, "Just don't lock the refresher door so I know it's not a prank". She nodded her head and said, "Good luck kid". The door slid shut. I turned the lights off with just the candle as my only source. I put it on the counter next to the sink. I stood in front of the mirror and spun three times says her name.

   I looked at the mirror hoping to see something but all I saw was just me, myself, and I. 'I guess it didn't work,' I thought and was going to leave. I stood in front of the door a pushed the open button. It didn't open. I pressed it again. Nothing. "Sabine, I thought you said you weren't going to lock the door," I said. "Uh, Ezra...........I didn't," she said from the other side of the door. I was confused and kind of scared. I let out a breath and slowly turned towards the mirror.......

Sabine's P.O.V

   After Ezra said the door was locked, I got confused cause I didn't lock it and you can't lock it from the inside.

   "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" A blood curling scream came from the refresher. It made my jump back a little and my heart race. Now, I was worried, "Ezra, you better not be pranking me," I said. If there was one thing I didn't like about this, it was the silence and the dark. It was nerve racking and everything was still. "E-Ezra," I stuttered and slowly walked up to the door. I unlocked the door and it slid open....

   My eyes widen and covered my mouth with both of my hands with a gasp coming out. I saw Ezra......on the floor......with scratches on his face bleeding freely, but the worst part was his expression. He had a horrid look on his face that seemed he was scared to death. It also seemed like he was unconscious but not. He was laying there so still, I panicked and commed Hera. "Hera! Help, we need help, please!" I said not daring to move into the refresher. "What? Sabine, what's going on?!" Hera said through the comm. "J-Just please come to the refresher, stat!" I said shaken. "I'm on my way," I heard her say and I fell to the ground, getting into a fetal position.

   I felt myself shake and then I heard footsteps come down the hall. I turned and saw Hera with worry in her eyes. "What's wrong and where's Ezra?" She asked. All I did was point into the refresher. She looked and saw Ezra. Hera had the same reaction but instead of panicking she commed Zeb and Kanan. The two arrived shortly and Hera ordered them on what to do. "Zeb, I want you to get Ezra to the med bay. Kanan I need you to comfort Sabine". The two nodded and did as we were told. Kanan led me to the kitchen and sat next to me. "What happened?" He said worried for his padawan.

   "You probably won't believe me if I told you," I said. He crossed his arms and said, "Flatter me". "Well......" I started and explained everything. I looked at Kanan and saw that he had a blank face. He nodded and thanked me for explaining. Then, we walked to the med bay to see how Ezra was doing. When we got there, Ezra was sitting up and in a fetal position. He was rocking back and forth with fear in his eyes and muttering something under his breath. Hera gave us a worried and confused look. She then asked, "Who's Bloody Mary?". I flinched and looked at the ground. "Sabine and Zeb, you two go to bed," Kanan ordered.

   We both nodded our heads and left the room. When I got to my cabin, I just sat there and knew that I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.


Halloween count down: 15 days left

Stay tuned and adios!!!!🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

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