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The title says it all. Credit for this idea goes to EmilyBray0. I tried to make it scary but I don't think I did a good job on making it scary. But if you think it is then comment or I'll just convince myself that this is scary. Soooooo.......Enjoy!!!


Narrator's P.O.V

   So you came back for more mhh?

   Well, let's begin. The two human males weren't fully human. When they weren't in their human side. Things got a little.....messy.

   It all began when it was almost lights out...

Ezra's P.O.V

   Every full moon, 'it' happens. No one, except me and my parents, know about this. You see, when I was younger, my parents weren't just broadcasters, they were also scientists who studied animal DNA. Pretty cool huh, well let's just say that I might have snuck into the lab once and 'accidentally' touched one of the test tubes. Which fell onto the floor and I stepped on it. The animal DNA got into my blood and now I'm half human and half beast.

When I was on my own and turned into the beast, then I would lock myself in my tower for the night. Now that I'm with the crew and light years away from my tower, things are going to get a little harder. Did I mention that I have no control or memory when I'm in my beast form? No, well let's just say, if I forget to lock my tower I wake up with a pile of bones around me and blood on my lips.

   Maybe I can lock myself in the closet tonight? Yeah, that could work, I hope. I quickly made my way to the closest before my other half decides it wants a midnight snack. I got into the closest and locked the door with the force from the outside. I smile and lay back, hoping that no one comes to find me until morning.

Kanan's P.O.V

   I was getting ready for the night. Doors locked, check. Meat, check. And lightsaber in the secret compartment, check. I'm good for the night when I change into my other half, a werewolf.


No one's P.O.V

   Kanan and Ezra turned into two blood thirsty and viscous creatures of the night when the clock struck 12. The two male werewolves scratched the walls, tore up anything that they could, and searched for an exit so they could hunt prey. They were so loud that they woke up Hera and Sabine. The two walked out of their rooms in search of the strange noises. "What is that?" Sabine asked looking towards Kanan's room. "I don't know," Hera said. The two stood in front of Kanan's door and Hera knocked.

   The noises stopped and could hear similar noises from down the hall. They gave each other confused faces and Hera asked, "Love, are you ok?". Silence. Sabine saw that the door was locked and went to unlock it. Sabine's finger got closer and closer and closer to the button.

   Before she could touch it, Hera grabbed her wrist and shook her head no. "Something's not right," she said, "Lets go see what that other noise is". Sabine nodded in agreement and followed Hera to the other noises. They made it and found the source of the noise coming from the.............supply closet? The two looked at each other and nodded. They both had their guns with them and pointed them at the door. "Ready," Hera whispered to Sabine. "Ready," she replied.

   Hera unlock med the door and both of them rushed in pointing their guns everywhere with their backs together. Sabine turned on a flashlight and searched the room. The noises immediately stopped when they entered and now completely silent, to silent to their liking. Then they heard a low growl and Sabine pointed the flashlight up to the corner of the room. There was a huge wolf creature using its claws to hold it self in the top corner of the room. It had dark brown hair and crimson red eyes that stared into your very soul.

   The thing jumped out of the corner and was going to land on both of the girls. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!" The girls screamed and Sabine dropped the flash light making it turn off and the room went dark in silence.


Ezra's P.O.V

   I woke up with my head hurting. It always hurt after a night being the beast. I sat up and noticed something next to me. It was.........a bone! I was fully awake and looked around me to find more bones. Someone must have open the door last night! I turned and my heart almost stopped, there was blood splatters on the wall. 'No, what have I done,' I thought and ran out the door to see who the victims were.

   I checked Kanan's room first and found him sleeping peacefully in his bed. I saw Chopper roll into me and Zeb's shared room and then heard a surprised lasat shout from pain. "Get back here you bucket of bolts!" Zeb yelled and chased Chopper down the hall. I checked Sabine's room next. No one was in there. I frantically checked Hera's room, empty. Then I ran to the med bay and the door slid open to reveal two girls that seemed to have a rough night.(get it rough😂).

   They had scratches and bruises littering them from head to toe. Sabine had a nasty black eye and Hera's arm was bent out of place. Both of them looked horrific and horrified when they saw me. I frowned when I could feel the fear coming from the two when they saw me. I was glad they were ok but sad when they feared me. But where did those bones come from? The blood was obvious but the bones?

   I looked at them and could tell they calmed a little. "What happened?" I asked the two. "You mean you don't remember you trying to rip us to shreds?" Sabine said. I shook my head no. "Well when we went into the supply closet, we found you hanging yourself in the top corner of the room," Hera explained, "Then you pounced on us and began to try and I guess, eat us?". I flinched and Sabine kept telling the story. "You somehow ripped a bone out of Hera's arms but I found some emergency meats box near me. I grabbed a meat and threw it. You chased after it and me and Hera made our escape".

   "I-I'm so, so sorry guys," I said and was going to leave. "Ezra," I heard Hera say, "We don't blame you. You couldn't control it and we forgive you". I turned and faced the two. They smiled warmly at me, the monster that did that to them. But they still forgive me? It brought a smile to my face and left the room saying, "Thank you".


Halloween countdown: 12 days left!!!

Stay tuned and adios!!!!!!!!🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

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