Watched 2

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Narrator's P.O.V

Let us just say that the watcher has come back, but who is it?

Let's begin...

Ezra's P.O.V

The crew went on a supply run about 30 minutes ago. I was left in charge of the Ghost while they were gone. I was looking through the holonet when a weird feeling came to me. The same feeling the night that I left something or someone stalking me. I looked up from the hologram scanning the room. Nothing, except the disturbing silence of the ship. I took a shaky breath in and out. It was so quiet that I could hear my own heart beating fast.

A bang came from somewhere in the Ghost making me jump. I put on a brave act even though, I was scared out of my mind. I made it to where I thought the noises came from. The cabins. I checked me and Zeb's shared room. Nothing. I went to Hera's room and the door slid open to reveal it empty. I made my way to Sabine's room, it made me feel the most uncomfortable. The door slid open and I sighed in relief to find nothing.

That left on more room, Kanan's room. I went over and stood in front of the door. Slowly inching closer to the button to see if whatever that noise was, was in here. Closer, closer and closer until I pressed the button and I saw............


I wipe my head in relief and turned around to walk back to the common room. Something jumped on me when I turned around. I screamed and tried my best to get the person of of me. There was just one thing that I thought wrong, it wasn't a person. I threw whatever hopped on me to the wall and ran to an air vent. I unscrewed the bolts and climbed in. 'Well, at least I'm safe in here,' I thought and crawled to where I left the thing.

   I looked through a vent cover and found the right location but nothing was there. 'Where did it go?' I thought and then a creepy feeling went up my spine. I tried to ignore it but it kept getting stronger. I looked up straight into the dark vent and was going to go find that thing.

   I stopped though and squinted my eyes when I thought I saw something ahead of me. That's when a face started to form and cold eyes were piercing right at me. My heart stopped and I almost screamed. Sweat dripped down the sides of my head. I could tell the thing was grinning evilly. I quickly unscrewed the vent cover and jumped out, not caring how I landed.
I stood up and looked up to see a head from where I fell. I gulped and ran to the common room to get my comm.

   I made it to the common room and went to get my comm. Expect it wasn't where I put it and was gone. I frantically turned my head to my belt to see the comm not there either but I thankfully still having my lightsaber. Now, I was going to need it cause the power went out and I couldn't see a thing. I ignited my lightsaber and scanned the room. I waved it back and forth slowly. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. I went back and saw a child's worst nightmare, who am I kidding, this thing could give Zeb the willies.

   This thing was probably the thing that has been chasing me. It had a wolf shaped head with pink muzzle with a dot on both of its cheeks. It had lost one of its eyes and body was like a long metal skeleton. The four feet had long pink claws and the rest of the foot was white. There was a black thing on the creatures back that had one thin arm with a sharp razor blades. Around the creatures nice was a pink bow. It was a horrific sight and I would definitely get nightmares from this creature.

(Picture of creature below)

   "Ezra," it said in a snake like tone, without moving a muscle, literally

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   "Ezra," it said in a snake like tone, without moving a muscle, literally. I flinched and couldn't move from whatever the heck the thing was. "Ezra," it said again. "Who are you and what do you want?" I said scared. I blinked my eyes and it was gone. I looked around the room until the light found something laying down next to my feet. Or should I say someone very familiar.

   "Sabine!" I said and knelt down to find her unconscious. I kept scanning the room to find the creature but there was no sight of it. The feeling of being watched disintegrated and worry seeped through me. "Sabine," I said and shook her. "Wha?" I heard her say and sage sat up tired. "Where am I?" Sabine said. "You're in the Ghost," I answered, "we got to get out of here, there's a weird pink and white thing in here and we need to go". Sabine perked up at it like she knew something. "What?" She asked, "you must be delusional". A yawn escaped her lips, "well I'm going to bed, see ya".

   I sat there shocked and rethinking everything.

Sabine's P.O.V

   I sighed in relief when the door shut and I was in my room. I collapsed onto the bed and rolled up my sleeve a little to see my curse mark fade away. 'That was a close one,' I thought, 'they must never know'. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Thinking, 'or else they will die'.


This is the end of the book!! I hope you guys liked it and read it on Halloween late at night. Thanks for reading and adios!!! Also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!👻👻👻💀💀💀👹👹👹💀👻👽👻💀👻👽👻👺👺🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

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