The Doll

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Narrator's P.O.V

   You are a brave soul for staying and reading these stories so let's begin the next.....

   A mysterious doll has shows up at the front door of the ship. The green pilot decides to keep the doll. The rest of the crew was very creeped out when the doll kept appearing out of no where.....

   Let's begin on this very night it showed...

Hera's P.O.V

   I was the only one up when I heard someone pounding on the ramp door. 'Who could be here?' I thought grabbing my pistol. I opened the ramp and was ready to fire at......nothing. I looked down and found a doll with black hair and dress with white skin. She had no eyeballs  so there was only two black wholes. It was really cute and I grabbed it taking it inside.

  I set the doll on my table in my room. I smiled and went to bed.

*the next morning*

Third person's P.O.V

   Sabine woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. Sabine went to the kitchen and sat in a chair. She grabbed a pad and started looking things up. A strange feeling settled on her like she was being watched. 'It's probably just Ezra,' Sabine thought and her strange feeling  kept getting stronger. Sabine looked up from her pad and jumped back a little letting a squeak of surprise out. There was a doll standing up looking at her. "Uh Hera," she said nervously creeped out.

Sabine's P.O.V

   Hera looked over her shoulder and I pointed to the doll, "Who's our little guest?". She smiled and said, "I found the doll outside of the Ghost". "Ok....then why is" I asked. "I don't know, maybe one of the boys found it and are pranking you," Hera explained. I nodded my head and attempted to ignore the creepy looking doll.

*couple minutes later*

Ezra's P.O.V

I was just waking up to something laying next to me and close. I let my eyes adjust and when it was clear, I moved back from a creepy doll. "Do you want to play?" I voice said and I thought it was coming from the doll. I went around the doll and shivers went down my spine. Before I left the room, I turned to look at the doll one more time. It wasn't in the bed anymore, it was standing up on the floor. I ran to the kitchen and immediately hid behind Hera.

"Ezra, what's wrong?" Hera asked worried. "A-A creepy doll is possessed!" I said freaked out. The door slid open revealing the doll itself. "Do you want to play?" It said. "What the flippen Karabast!?" Sabine said shocked and freaked out. "Sure, we will play," I said, "we will play, get out of the Ghost!". The doll's head turned slowly towards me with the same blank straight face. The door slid shut then opened making things worse when the doll was holding a knife! Then it walked towards me and I reached for my lightsaber. Nothing was there. 'I left it in my room!' I thought.

   Hera bravely walked over to the doll and picked it up. "Do you want to play-" it said sweetly until it darkly said, "-Make Ezra a corpse!". Hera ran down the hall and threw the wicked doll off of the ship. She closed the ramp and went to the cockpit taking off into space.

Third person's P.O.V

   After the ship left, the doll's eye holes glowed an eerie blood red. "Don't worry, I'll be back".


Halloween countdown: 9 days left!!!

Stay tuned and adios!!!!🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

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