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Narrator's P.O.V

The blue headed boy takes a nice stroll through Capital City at night. He gets strange feelings like............he's being watched.

Lets begin with the blue headed boy walking into the City...

Ezra's P.O.V

I sneaked out of the Ghost a couple of minutes ago and now entered the city. It was late at night which made the streets less crowded. I walked around with the little light from houses and a couple of lamp posts helping me through the streets.

I kept going for a minute until a funny feeling came over me. Like, I was being watched. I looked around to find no one in plain sight. 'You're just imagining things Ezra, you're just imagining things,' I reassured myself in my head and kept walking.

   I stopped under a lamp post and searched the area with a creepy feeling crawling up my skin. Then, movement from a nearby ally caught my attention. My eyes widen and I ran over the the mysterious figure. When I got close enough, no one was standing there anymore. Like they disappeared in thin air. A shiver went done my spine and my quiet walk became a stalkers paradise. I turned around and a big figure was standing behind me.

"AAHHH!" I screamed and fell back on my butt. I looked up to see.......a black black blanket hanging on a pole. I stood up, calming my racing heart. 'Stupid blanket,' I thought and walked away.

I kept going and heard footsteps behind me and turned. Nothing but the streets. I kept going and echoes of footsteps behind were still being heard. I turned again. Nothing. I gulped and kept walking down the street.

"Ezra," a deep voice called. I jumped and scanned the area for the menacing voice. "W-Who's there?" I stuttered and kept looking, "Where are you?". I froze when a hand laid on my shoulder and I quickly backed away turning around to see who it was. I was shocked to see no one. 'What in the galaxy?!' I thought. I looked all around to find not one soul in sight.

   I froze again when I felt someone breathing down my neck. Then something wet and soft went up my neck. Did they just lick me? I tried to punch the person but my fist only went through the air. What's going on?! Who's doing theses things? I need to get back to the Ghost, pronto! So I ran to the Ghost and promised myself to never go on a walk through the City at night alone.

Unknown person's P.O.V

   "Don't worry Ezra," the figure said, "I'll always be watching you". The figure grinned evilly disappearing into the shadows, saying, "Always".


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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