The Ouija Board

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Narrator's P.O.V

I see you have survived our last story and want more. So let's begin.

The Jedi and twi'lek have left the Ghost for the night. Leaving a grumpy lasat, crazy Maldorian, mischievous padawan, and trouble making baby for the night. They get bored and play what they think is just a fun game. But were wrong when 'it' haunts them from the shadows......

Let's begin the story on a dark and stormy night.......

Ezra's P.O.V

Kanan and Hera left me, Sabine, and Zeb to babysit a human baby boy, Weston. Chopper shut down for the night to charge.

It was late at night and rain was pouring so hard that the power went out. We set candles out so we could see through the dark. All four of us were in the common room bored out of our minds and I somehow got the job to watch Weston. So here I am, holding a baby boy slouching on the couch with nothing to do except watch him. I saw Sabine sitting at the table and was thinking of things to do. Zed was next to me sleeping. The Ghost was oddly quiet besides the rain hitting the top of the ship.

That's when I saw Sabine perk up with an idea. "I know what we can do," she exclaimed happily. Zeb immediately woke up from Sabine being loud. "Can't a guy get some sleep without getting woken up," Zeb huffed. "Yeah Sabine, Zeb needs his beauty sleep even though their isn't any beauty in loud snoring," I joked. I felt Zeb hit me in the back of the head and turned towards him with a glare. "Well, while you two bicker, I'm going to go get the game board," she said. "Wouldn't you just have to pull it up on the holotable?" I questioned. "This board is really old and won't be on the holotable," she explained and went out the door.

Weston giggled and clapped his hands. He was looking at something in the corner of the room but I didn't see anything but dancing shadows from the candles. 'I guess he likes watching that,' I thought and Sabine came back in with a rectangular box. She sat on the other side of the round table. I sat next to her and Zeb sat across from me. Weston giggled in my lap with joy. Sabine lifted the top of the box off and we saw an odd looking board inside. "What is this game?" Zeb asked. I looked see a weird word that I've never seen before at the top of the board. "O-uu-eee-gaaa," I tried to pronounce the word. "It's a Ouija Board," Sabine said, "It said that you can use it to talk to the dead". "Cool," I said and Weston clapped with excitement. "So how do we do this?" Zeb asked. "We use this," Sabine said holding up a triangular piece with a clear circle in the middle. "I set this piece on the board," she said placing it on the board, "and each player lightly places there fingers on the piece". Me and Zeb look at each other and shrug. What could possibly go wrong with a silly little game?

I set Weston between me and Sabine, then placed my fingers lightly on the game piece. Zed and Sabine doing the same. "Ok, now what?" I asked Sabine. "We ask questions, but don't make them stupid or else..." She trailed off. "Or else what?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "I honestly don't know, it just said don't ask dumb questions or you'll face the consequences," she said, "I'll go first". Then she added, "Is there anyone here?". Nothing happened. "I think this thing is broke," Zeb said. I was going to say something when something under my finger tips started to move. We all watched in awe as it landed on 'Yes'. Zed looked at Sabine, "You moved it didn't ya". Sabine's eyes were wide and looked at Zeb slowly shaking her head no.

I could tell she wasn't lying. "I'll ask a question this time," I said and thought of something to ask. "Who is this?" I asked curiosity looking around the dark room with only a couple candles helping us see. I turned my eyes back to the board and the piece started to move. It landed on the 'I' and moved then W.A.N.T.T.O.K.I.L.L.Y.O.U.
"Sabine, what does that say?" I asked. Sabine was thinking until her face went pail. "Sabine?" I said now worried. "Um uh, spirit. Why do you want to uh kills us?" Sabine asked nervously. My eyes widen in fear and so did Zeb's. Weston clapped and giggled still looking at that same corner.

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