Creepypasta X Child Reader

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WARNING: This is a horror oneshot. There will be gore, so I would recommend you to not read this if you get sick easily. I do not want you feeling sick because of my oneshot.
Jeff's P.O.V

About three weeks ago we got a new creepypasta member and her name was (Y/N). She was a little 7 year old girl, who Slender found in the woods. It seemed that her parents had left her there and she was alone for about 6 hours, so we took her in. At first she seems to not trust us, she always had this blank face. No one could read her, not even Slender! After about a week she began to warm up to us but still always had that blank face. Since she began to trust us Slender had Masky, Hoodie, E.J, and I teach her self defense, and how to kill. Today would be the day that (Y/N) puts her training to use. It was (Y/N), E.J, and me out tonight. E.J took us to this small neighborhood, with lots of nice little quiet homes. 'Well that's about to be ruined.' I thought before looking at E.J and (Y/N) for the plan. "Ok so Jeff and I will take the parents and the pets and (Y/N) you'll take the two children they have. The children are twins and sleep in the same room. Do what ever you wish to them." He explained before (Y/N) and I nod our heads and we all get to work.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'Finally I get my first kill.' I thought to myself as I walked down the hallway. I made it to the door of the children's room. I opened the door and walked toward the bed closest to me. I gently pulled down the cover to see a face I have hated for years. 'Luke and Marco huh?' I thought remembering how the twin boys used to bully me everyday in school. It like this one was Marco. Him and I used to be friends until Luke found out then Luke started to bully me while Marco would do nothing. But eventually Marco started to bully me to. After a while of thinking about the past I pulled a knife from out of my boot, I put my hand so fly over Marco's mouth. He instantly woke up and started to scream into my hand. "Its ok Marco it won't last long." I said before cutting his throat open. I took my hand off of Marco's mouth and looked over to the other bed to see Luke up ,shaking, with tears streaming down his face. I just smirked as a started to walk towards him only for him to run out of the open door. I sighed as I walked out of the room I saw Jeff and E.J standing outside."Guess that means he is still inside of the house. Meaning I get to play hide-and-go-seek." I said under my breath while a smirk formed on my face. I walked over to the door on my right. I tried to onpen it but it seemed to be locked. Before I tried to kick the door down I remembered a song I made just a couple days before, just for these types of occasion's with my victims. So I started to sing.

Ding, dong I know you can hear me
Open up the door
I only want to play a little

I sang while I kicked the doorknob off of the door. Letting it swing open. I let Luke run past me and off somewhere. I mean I can't let my lillte game end so early. I turned around as I continued to sing.

Ding, dong you can't keep me waiting
Its already to late for you to try run away

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