Sebastian Michaelis(Black Butler) X Neko!Child!Reader

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A/N: In this you are the youngest reaper and you are partners with Grell and this will be a regular oneshot, not a songfic.

Author's P.O.V

Little (Y/N) didn't know what to do when her partner Grell drug her out of her office and took her to a huge mansion to meet a man that Grell likes to call Bassy. "Grell where are you taking me?" (Y/N) asked with a bored tone. "I told you already I'm taking you to meet Bassy and that brat of his. Pay attention!" Grell yelled and kept dragging (Y/N).

~Time Skip~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"We're here (Y/N) look at this beautiful place!" Grell yelled into my ear as we stopped. I looked over at Grell annoyed. "Grell if you yell into my ear one more time I will kill you, and you know I can and will." I spoke as I looked at the mansion, my ears twitching. Grell froze for a second, before going back to his normal self. "Come on lets introduce you to Bassy." Grell said as he started to drag me again. We made it into the mansion and started to walk down a hallway. "Where are you leading me?" I asked impatient with Grell now. "I'm taking you to the brat's office." Grell said while he stopped ifront of a brown wooden door and bused it open.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was talking to the young lord when I felt a presence in the house. It seemed like Grell's and someone else's. I was about to speak about the presence's when Grell busted the door open. "BASSY!" He yelled as he jumped at me ready for a hug. I ducked down making Grell hit the wall behind me. I looked towards to door feeling the other presence standing. Then walked in a little girl her glowing (E/C) eyes shining behind her glasses. The little girl seemed to be no older than 6 years old. She had (S/C) skin, shiny and soft looking (H/C) hair, as I said before shining (E/C) eyes, she also had on a suit. The suit looked like Grell's except there was no coat and the bow was back and the vest was (F/C). The girl had a sophisticated aura but it also had the strong element of 'you make me made and you will be killed.' to it. She seemed very strong. But what mostly caught my attention was her (F/C) cat ears and tail. I had to resist the urge to pet her. "I'm sorry for the interruption, but my partner here wanted me to meet you two." The girl spoke. "Yes! Bassy , brat this is (Y/N) (L/N) my partner, ad the youngest reaper." Grell introduced the girl now known as (Y/N). "My name is Ciel Phantomhive I am the earl of this mansion and this is my butler Sebastian Michaelis." Young master introduced us. "At your service." Was all I said before Young Master Spoke up. "If I may ask how did you become like this miss (Y/N)?" He asked with a interested look in his eyes. "I was used to be a killer. I would torture my victims with my knives and katana. Nobody ever caught me because I was a neko demon one of the most dangerous and rare demons alive. I died during the day a friend of mine turned on me and shot me with a special bullet, after I died Grell found me wondering around and took me to the office to ask William if I could become his partner. William agreed because apparently my father was one of Lucifer's guards and my mother was William's boss, and according to William y mother told him to watch out for me, and when he found me she told his to take me in. That is how I became this way." (Y/N) explained. Young Master looked at her shocked. "Well that was quite an interesting story." I spoke. "Sebastian I want you to go with Grell and (Y/N) back to William's office and I want you to adopt her." Young Master ordered, Both of our eyes flashing. "Well then we should get going." (Y/N) said as she sated to walk out of the still broken down door.

~Time Skip~3 months~

Sebastian's P.O.V

It's been 3 month's and (Y/N) is the perfect daughter. Everyone here loves her, but I love her more. She is the most important thing in my life, she is just a hair more important that Young Master. Though (Y/N) is still a shiginami she still has time to help us all and spend time with me. She even calls me dad which makes me very happy. I was in he kitchen making the Young Master some Earl Gray tea, when I head Pluto Start barking and there was violent yelling and shaking. I quickly got outside to see Finnin trying to hold (Y/N) back and Baldroy and Mey-Rin trying to distract Pluto. "What is going on here, and Pluto sit!" I yelled. Everything stopped, and everyone looked at me. "Well y-you see m-m-mister Sebastian P-Pluto here licked (Y-(Y/N) and s-she was about to kill him i-is what it looked like." Finnin explained. "Let her harm him she is like a cat, plus Pluto needs to learn to gets permission before licking someone." I said as Finnin let (Y/N) go. "Thank you father." (Y/N) spoke a she started to walk towards Pluto. Pluto wagged his tail making the ground shake a little. As (Y/N) made it to Pluto she jumped up and landed on his head, and slapped him. Pluto's head went downward and drove into the dirt. (Y/N) had quickly jumped off of Pluto before his head went in to the dirt and se was now in front of Pluto who was whimpering in pain. "Now Pluto do not lick me again unless you have permission." (Y/N) scolded Pluto. Pluto nodded his large dog head and laid down in front of (Y/N). "I only wanted to pet you." (Y/N) stated before petting Pluto. Pluto started to wag his tail as (Y/N) smiled. I smiled a little as I saw how she was enjoying herself. I walked back into the mansion to redo the tea that had gotten cold. my smile still present, 'I'm glad I have you my little kitten.' I thought as I began making the tea.

A/N: I know I haven't been updating for a while but if you read my other book The Boy then I will update it today. That's all so Bye Bye

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